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- Capítulo de livroUroguanylin And Guanylin. Endocrine Link Connecting The Intestine And Kidney For Regulation Of Sodium Balance.Forte L.R.; Fonteles M.C. (2007)
- Capítulo de livroThe Ecology of ChildhoodHaddad L.; Nascimento M.L. (2007)
- Capítulo de livroAcid rain in downtown São Paulo City, BrazilSantos M.A.D.; Illanes C.F.; Fornaro A.; Pedrotti J.J. (2007)During the period from July 2002 to June 2004, the chemical characteristics of the rainwater samples collected in downtown São Paulo were investigated. The analysis of 224 wet-only precipitation samples included pH and electrical conductivity, as well as major ions (Na+, NH4 +, K+, Ca2+, Mg2+, Cl-, NO3 -, SO4 2-) and carboxylic acids (acetic, formic and oxalic) using ion chromatography. The volume weighted mean, VWM, of the anions NO3 -,SO4 2- and Cl- was, respectively, 20.3, 12.1 and 10.7 μmol 1-1. Rainwater in São Paulo was acidic, with 55% of the samples exhibiting a pH below 5.6. The VWMof the free H+ was 6.27 μmol 1-1), corresponding to a pH of 5.20. Ammonia (NH3), determined as NH 4 + (VWM=32.8 μmol 1-1), was the main acidity neutralizing agent. Considering that the H+ ion is the only counter ion produced from the non-seasalt fraction of the dissociated anions, the contribution of each anion to the free acidity potential has the following profile: SO 4 2- (31.1%), NO 3 - (26.0%), CH3COO- (22.0%), Cl- (13.7%), HCOO- (5.4%) and C 2 O 4 2- (1.8%). The precipitation chemistry showed seasonal differences, with higher concentrations of ammonium and calcium during autumn and winter (dry period). The marine contribution was not significant, while the direct vehicular emission showed to be relevant in the ionic composition of precipitation. © 2007 Springer Science+Business Media B.V.
- Capítulo de livroProfessional Development of Higher School EducatorsNicoletti Mizukami M.D.G.; Masetto M.T. (2008)© 2008 Sense Publishers.Although the current Brazilian backdrop demonstrates that investments in the elaboration, implementation and assessment of educational public policies concerning teacher education have been made, it can also be said that more emphasis has been given to the initial and continuing teacher education processes of elementary, medium and high school teachers.
- Capítulo de livroOverview of ISDB-T one-segment receptionBedicks G.; Akamine C. (2008)© 2008 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.The Integrated Services Digital Broadcasting-Terrestrial (ISDB-T) was developed in Japan by the Association of Radio Industries and Businesses (ARIB) in 1998.1 The ISDB-T provides audio, video, and multimedia services and integrates various kinds of digital contents, each of which may include high-definition TV (HDTV), multiprogram standard-definition TV (SDTV), and low-definition TV for portable reception and data (graphics, text, etc.). In Japan the ISDB-T was launched in 2003 for HDTV and SDTV, and in 2006 for portable reception. Also, in 2006, the Brazilian government adopted the International System for Digital Television (ISDTV), which uses the same modulation as ISDB-T. For both standards, portable reception, also called 1seg, means that the receiver can demodulate 428.57 KHz of the center of the broadcasting channel. This chapter describes the transmission system and the one-segment reception.
- Capítulo de livroAuthentication watermarkings for binary imagesKim H.Y.; Pamboukian S.V.D.; Barreto P.S.L.M. (2008)Data hiding (DH) is a technique used to embed a sequence of bits in a cover image with small visual deterioration and the means to extract it afterwards. Authentication watermarking (AW) techniques use DH to insert particular data into an image, in order to detect later any accidental or malicious alterations in the image, as well as to certify that the image came from the right source. In recent years, some AWs for binary images have been proposed in the literature. The authentication of binary images is necessary in practice, because most scanned and computer-generated document images are binary. This publication describes techniques and theories involved in binary image AW: We describe DH techniques for binary images and analyze which of them are adequate to be used in AWs; analyze the most adequate secret- and public-key cryptographic ciphers for the AWs; describe how to spatially localize the alteration in the image (besides detecting it) without compromising the security; present AWs for JBIG2-compressed binary images; present a reversible AW for binary images; and finally present our conclusions and future research. © 2009, IGI Global.
- Capítulo de livroUroguanylin and Guanylin: Endocrine Link Connecting the Intestine and Kidney for Regulation of Sodium BalanceForte L.R.; Fonteles M.C. (2008)
- Capítulo de livroEnhancing individuals' cognition, intelligence and sharing digital/web-based knowledge using virtual reality and information visualization techniques and tools within K-12 education and its impact on democratizing the societyFranco J.F.; Ficheman I.K.; Zuffo M.K.; Venancio V.; de Deus Lopes R.; Moreno M.; Freitas M.G.S.; Leite A.L.B.F.; Almeida G.; da Cruz S.R.R.; Matias M.A.; Franco N.F. (2009)This chapter addresses an ongoing work strategy for developing and sharing knowledge related to digital/Web-based technology and multimedia tools, information visualization, computer graphics, desktop virtual reality techniques in combination with art/education. It includes a large body of research about advanced and contemporary technologies and their use for stimulating individuals' education. These interactive processes of researching, developing and sharing knowledge have been carried out through interdisciplinary and collaborative learning and teaching experiences in the context of k-12 education in a primary public school and its surrounding community. The learning and direct manipulation of advanced and contemporary technologies have improved individuals' technical skills, stimulated cooperative and collaborative work and innovations in the way of developing school's curriculum content as well as supported ones' independent learning. Furthermore, there have been changes on individuals' mental models, behavior and cultural changes related to reflecting about diverse possibilities of using information and communication technology within collaborative formal and informal sustainable life-long learning and teaching actions. © 2009, IGI Global.
- Capítulo de livro
- Capítulo de livroThe shopping centers shaping the Brazilian city: Two case studies in São PauloBruna G.C.; Vargas H.C. (2009)
- Capítulo de livroEvaluating voice user interfaces in ubiquitous applicationsSalvador V.F.M.; de Oliveira Neto J.S.; de Paiva Guimaraes M. (2010)In the current trend of applications going more and more ubiquitous, it is necessary to determine some characteristics, requirements and properties that must be assured in order that the application provides quality service to its users. This chapter describes a study on the evaluation of Voice User Interface (VUI) in Ubiquitous Applications and discusses some of issues which may impact the evaluation process when using the voice as a natural way of interacting with computers. The authors present a set of guidelines and usability principles that should be considered when developing VUIs for Ubiquitous Applications. Finally, they present the results of a case study which was performed in order to test and exemplify the concepts presented here. © 2010, IGI Global.
- Capítulo de livroMental health problems, violence and other environmental risk factors among disadvantaged Brazilian children and adolescentsBordin I.A.; Curto B.M.; Paula C.S. (2010)Epidemiological surveys on child/adolescent mental health are scarce in developing countries. In Brazil, prevalence rates based on screening instruments varied according to informant: parents (13.5%-35.2%), adolescents (12.6%-13.1%) and teachers (8.3%- 10.3%). When applying diagnostic interviews, rates of psychiatric disorders varied from 7.0% to 12.7%. Because poverty is closely related to both child psychopathology and child maltreatment, researchers from Universidade Federal de São Paulo had the initiative of conducting the first Brazilian epidemiological study on intrafamilial violence in a disadvantaged community of a violent city. The main objectives of the Brazilian Studies of Abuse in the Family Environment (BrazilSAFE) were (1) to estimate the prevalence of mental health problems among 6- to 17-year-olds and (2) to verify whether severe physical punishment of a child is associated with specific types of mental health problems when taking into account the influence of other potential correlates from different domains. A cross-sectional study was conducted in an urban poor neighborhood of Embu, a city located in the great metropolitan area of São Paulo city. From a probabilistic sample of clusters that included all eligible households (women aged 15-49 years with a son/daughter aged 0-17 years), one mother-child pair was randomly selected per household (n = 813; response rate: 82.4%). Our sample of 480 6- to 17-year-olds included subjects with complete data on the Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL/6-18) and on 12 potential correlates. Trained interviewers applied standardized instruments to mothers at the local health centre. Adolescents were interviewed to report on their mental health. CBCL/6-18 identified children/adolescents with internalizing problems only, externalizing problems only, and both problems (comorbidity). Potential correlates from four domains were examined: child (gender, age, severe physical punishment, ever witnessing marital violence); mother (education, unemployment, anxiety/depression, marital violence); father (absence, unemployment, drunkenness); and family (socioeconomic status). Prevalence of mental health problems overall was 24.6% (20.7%-28.5%) when combining information from parents and adolescents and considering subjects with and without global impairment. When requiring global impairment, prevalence was reduced to 7.3% (5.0%-9.6%). Risk factors for internalizing problems alone included female gender, older age (11-17 years), maternal anxiety/depression and having a mother currently working for pay. Female gender and maternal anxiety/depression were also risk factors for comorbidity. Severe punishment was associated with a more than twofold increase in the risk of comorbidity. When maternal anxiety/depression was absent, children/adolescents exposed to severe punishment were almost eight times more likely to present externalizing problems only than those not exposed, but when maternal anxiety/depression was present, exposed and non-exposed children/adolescents were equally at risk for externalizing problems alone. Among 11- to 17-year-olds, those without a residing father were at greater risk for externalizing problems only than those with a father, but among 6- to 10-year-olds, those with and without a father were equally at risk for externalizing problems alone. The high prevalence rates observed are in accordance with rates reported for other low-income Brazilian populations of similar age. Regarding violence exposure, severe physical punishment was a more relevant risk factor for child/adolescent psychopathology than witnessing marital violence or having a mother victimized by severe marital violence. Our results suggest that severe physical punishment is involved in the development of externalizing problems alone or in combination with internalizing problems, but not relevant for the development of internalizing problems alone. © 2010 by Nova Science Publishers, Inc. All rights reserved.
- Capítulo de livroElementary public school and university partnership: Promoting and analyzing professional development processes of school teachersda Graca Nicoletti Mizukami M.; de Medeiros Rodrigues Reali A.M.; Tancredi R.M.S.P. (2010)
- Capítulo de livroThe Amazonian Treaty and harmonisation of environmental legislationCosta J.A.F.; Silva S.T.D.; Sola F. (2011)
- Capítulo de livroMangrove swamps and sustainabilityCamargos M.N.; da Silva S.T. (2011)
- Capítulo de livroContagion or Interdependence in the Financial Markets of Asia, Latin America, and the United States: From Tequila Effect to the Subprime CrisisMarcal E.F.; Pereira P.L.V.; Martin D.M.L.; Nakamura W.T.; Monteiro W.O. (2011)
- Capítulo de livroThe evaluation of networks performance in cultural heritage through intelligent systemsBianchi M.; Kaklauskas A.; Imoniana J.O.; Orelli R.L.; Tampieri L. (2012)© 2012 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg. All rights are reserved.The paper analyses and discusses the application of intelligent systems in cultural networks by proposing a framework of performance evaluation based on the network approach. This approach is the natural evolution of cultural institutions that starts from the ownership and preservation of cultural heritage, to the use of web tools and to the perspective that considers the real user's need identified not as simple information but as process to acquire a cultural awareness as the basis for cultural fruition. The research examined the search software based on the intelligent ones such as the Inquiry-Answer Extraction Networked System for Sustainable Tourism (IAST) to evaluate the performances. Thus, the basic research question is: which are the characteristics in the application of intelligent systems for cultural heritage networks which suggest a specific performance evaluation framework? On the basis of the undertaken analysis, different search tools existing in WEB could be applied to different profiles of users underlining the trade off between organizational top-down and bottom-up approaches.
- Capítulo de livroCellular cadmium transport in gills and hepatopancreas of Ucides Cordatus, a mangrove crabOrtega P.; Zanotto F.P. (2012)Ucides cordatus is a mangrove crab, and has a very important role in human food consumption. Mangrove areas can be contaminated with heavy metals, like cadmium (Cd), through waste and disposal of batteries from industries. This metal reaches the animal through its gills, when is dissolved in the water, or through its hepatopancreas, from consumption of contaminated food. Because this metal does not have any physiological role for the animal, small concentrations can be extremely toxic. It is not known how cadmium enters the cells, but, because it is a divalent metal, it could enter cells together with calcium, using its plasma membrane channels to penetrate the cells. Therefore, the objective of the work was to characterize the kinetics of Cd transport. For this, the gill cells were separated by enzymatic dissociation, and the hepatopancreatic cells were dissociated by magnetic stirring, then, the cells were separated by sucrose gradient, and labeled with Fluo 3 AM. After that, the kinetics of Cd transport was characterized in the spectrofluorimeter, with addition of successive CdSO4 concentrations (0.5, 1.0 and 1.5 μM), respectively. Results showed a sigmoidal curve for Cd transport, suggesting that others ions, like calcium, for example, can participate in the transport of Cd. © 2012 by Nova Science Publishers, Inc. All rights reserved.
- Capítulo de livroOrigin of the submillimeter radio emission during the time-extended phase of a solar flareTrottet G.; Raulin J.-P.; Gimenez De Castro G.; Luthi T.; Caspi A.; Mandrini C.H.; Luoni M.L.; Kaufmann P. (2012)© Springer Science+Business Media New York 2012. All rights are reserved.Solar flares observed in the 200∈-∈400 GHz radio domain may exhibit a slowly varying and time-extended component which follows a short (few minutes) impulsive phase and can last for a few tens of minutes to more than one hour. The few examples discussed in the literature indicate that such long-lasting submillimeter emission is most likely thermal bremsstrahlung. We present a detailed analysis of the time-extended phase of the 27 October 2003 (M6.7) flare, combining 1∈-∈345 GHz total-flux radio measurements with X-ray, EUV, and Hα observations. We find that the time-extended radio emission is, as expected, radiated by thermal bremsstrahlung. Up to 230 GHz, it is entirely produced in the corona by hot and cool materials at 7∈-∈16 MK and 1∈-∈3 MK, respectively. At 345 GHz, there is an additional contribution from chromospheric material at a few 104 K. These results, which may also apply to other millimeter-submillimeter radio events, are not consistent with the expectations from standard semiempirical models of the chromosphere and transition region during flares, which predict observable radio emission from the chromosphere at all frequencies where the corona is transparent.
- Capítulo de livroInformation security management based on adaptive security policy using user behavior analysisBrosso I.; La Neve A. (2012)This chapter presents a system for information security management based on adaptative security policy using user's behavior analysis in Information Technology. This system must be able to acquire information about the environment, space, time, equipment, hardware, and software. This information is used in the user behavior analysis. This work proposes that, based on the evidence of the user behavior, it is possible to trust or not trust the user. Levels of trust are released according to the user behavior and the rules that were previously established for the parameters, which help to establish the evidences of behavioral trust, interacting with the environment information, so as to keep trust levels updated in a more accurate and faithful way. © 2012, IGI Global.