A doação de órgãos post mortem e as diretivas antecipadas de vontade
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Juncks, Karina Miceno
Melo, Diogo Leonardo Machado de
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Este trabalho visa analisar o possível conflito entre a exigência de autorização dos
familiares para a doação de órgãos de um falecido – em conformidade com a Lei nº
9.434/1997 – e as disposições expressas em suas diretivas antecipadas de vontade.
Além disso, busca-se entender aqui se é admissível a responsabilização destes
familiares caso a vontade do falecido – exposta neste instrumento jurídico vinculante
– seja desrespeitada.
This paper aims to analyze the possible conflict between the requirement for authorization from family members to donate organs of a deceased – as provided by Law nº 9.434/1997 – and their advance directives of will. In addition, it seeks to understand whether the liability of these family members is admissible if the will of the deceased – exposed in this legal and binding instrument – is disrespected.
This paper aims to analyze the possible conflict between the requirement for authorization from family members to donate organs of a deceased – as provided by Law nº 9.434/1997 – and their advance directives of will. In addition, it seeks to understand whether the liability of these family members is admissible if the will of the deceased – exposed in this legal and binding instrument – is disrespected.
doação de órgãos , diretivas antecipadas de vontade , responsabilização dos familiares pela não observância do testamento vital do falecido , organ donation , advance directives of will , liability of the relatives for not complying with the vital testament of the deceased