A conformidade da natureza jurídica da autoridade nacional de proteção de dados com as funções da lei 13.709/2018
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Mazzuco, Fernanda Cristina
Marinho, Maria Edelvacy Pinto
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O presente trabalho tem como objetivo analisar a conformidade da atual natureza
jurídica da Autoridade Nacional de Proteção de Dados com a Lei 13.709/2018. Através de
metodologia exploratória e qualitativa, evidenciou-se o caminho legislativo até à criação da
ANPD e como esse processo culminou em sua efetivação como órgão da administração pública
federal, passível de modificação. Em seguida, foram levantados os riscos da heteronomia de
uma entidade fiscalizadora de dados pessoais em sua tomada de decisões e analisados seus
objetivos, ações estratégicas e indicadores de cumprimento para determinar sua real efetividade
até então. Concluiu-se que a autoridade ainda está passando por adaptações, mas tem cumprido
com êxito suas atribuições e conta com potencial para se tornar um órgão competente e
respeitado durante sua atuação futura.
The present work aims to analyze the compliance of the current legal nature of the National Data Protection Authority with Law 13.709/2018. Through exploratory and qualitative methodology, the legislative path to the creation of the ANPD was evidenced and how this process culminated in its effectiveness as an organ of the federal public administration, subject to modification. Then, the risks of the heteronomy of a personal data supervisory entity in its decision-making were raised and its objectives, strategic actions and compliance indicators were analyzed to determine its real effectiveness until then. It was concluded that the authority is still undergoing adaptations, but has successfully fulfilled its duties and has the potential to become a competent and respected organ during its future performance.
The present work aims to analyze the compliance of the current legal nature of the National Data Protection Authority with Law 13.709/2018. Through exploratory and qualitative methodology, the legislative path to the creation of the ANPD was evidenced and how this process culminated in its effectiveness as an organ of the federal public administration, subject to modification. Then, the risks of the heteronomy of a personal data supervisory entity in its decision-making were raised and its objectives, strategic actions and compliance indicators were analyzed to determine its real effectiveness until then. It was concluded that the authority is still undergoing adaptations, but has successfully fulfilled its duties and has the potential to become a competent and respected organ during its future performance.
dados pessoais , lei geral de proteção de dados , autoridade nacional de proteção de dados , personal data , general data protection law , national data protection authority