Mercado financeiro e de capitais: responsabilidade, limites legais e regras aplicáveis aos produtores de conteúdo nas redes sociais e meios de comunicação
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Seagull, Yasmin Gomes
Cárnio, Thaís Cíntia
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O presente artigo científico tem como objetivo promover uma análise mais detalhada
sobre determinadas leis, decretos, portarias e medidas provisórias, que foram criadas pelo
Governo com o objetivo de regular as atividades de combate à COVID-19. No entanto, evitar se-á ao máximo adentrar em questões políticas e ideológicas que se fazem presentes em nosso
país desde o início da campanha presidencial de 2018, e desta forma, o artigo se restringirá em
transparecer um panorama geral do cenário brasileiro em que estas leis foram positivadas, e se
as mesmas são suficientes para combater a pandemia causada pelo coronavírus.
This Scientific Article aims to promote a more detailed analysis of certain laws, decrees, ordinances and provisional measures, which were created by the Government with the purpose of regulating the activities to combat COVID-19. However, it will avoid as much as possible to enter into political and ideological issues that have been present in our country since the beginning of the 2018 presidential campaign, and thus, the article will restrict itself to providing an overview of the Brazilian scenario in which these laws were positive, and whether they are sufficient to combat the pandemic caused by the coronavirus.
This Scientific Article aims to promote a more detailed analysis of certain laws, decrees, ordinances and provisional measures, which were created by the Government with the purpose of regulating the activities to combat COVID-19. However, it will avoid as much as possible to enter into political and ideological issues that have been present in our country since the beginning of the 2018 presidential campaign, and thus, the article will restrict itself to providing an overview of the Brazilian scenario in which these laws were positive, and whether they are sufficient to combat the pandemic caused by the coronavirus.
pandemia , corona vírus , leis , pandemic , laws