Desafios na profissionalização de artistas mirins e a violência patrimonial contra crianças
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Tamura, Julia Yumi de Crixi
Andreucci, Ana Cláudia Pompeu Torezan
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O trabalho aborda três temas interligados: configuração do trabalho infantil artístico e
profissionalização de crianças, gestão e usufruto dos bens de filhos menores de idade e a questão
da violência patrimonial, destacando o estudo de caso envolvendo a atriz Larissa Manoela, bem
como a violação dos princípios da criança e adolescente estabelecidos pelo Estatuto da Criança
e do Adolescente, tais como proteção integral, solidariedade, prioridade absoluta e condição
peculiar da pessoa em desenvolvimento. Inicia-se discutindo o conceito de trabalho infantil, as
leis brasileiras que o regem e a permissão excepcional para atividades artísticas. Em seguida,
explora-se o direito de imagem das crianças e a proteção legal de seus bens pelos pais, com
ênfase nos limites desse direito e nos desafios éticos enfrentados na administração patrimonial.
O texto, então, detalha o conceito de violência patrimonial, sua natureza e impacto nas vítimas,
seguido pelo estudo de caso de Larissa Manoela, uma atriz brasileira que iniciou os trabalhos
aos 4 (quatro) anos de idade e alcançou grande ascensão em sua carreira na novela
infantojuvenil “Carrossel”, sendo evidenciado o abuso financeiro que ela enfrentou, a violação
dos princípios da criança e do adolescente estabelecidos no ECA e os desdobramentos legais
desse caso, incluindo projetos de lei inspirados em sua situação para proteger os interesses
patrimoniais de crianças envolvidas em atividades artísticas. O resumo oferece uma visão
abrangente das questões discutidas no trabalho, destacando a importância da proteção dos
direitos das crianças em contextos laborais e patrimoniais.
The work addresses three interconnected themes: the configuration of child labor in the arts and the professionalization of children, the management and enjoyment of the assets of minor children, and the issue of patrimonial violence, highlighting the case study involving actress Larissa Manoela, as well as the violation of the principles of children and adolescents established by the Statute of the Child and Adolescent, such as integral protection, solidarity, absolute priority, and the peculiar condition of the developing person. It begins by discussing the concept of child labor, the Brazilian laws that govern it, and the exceptional permission for artistic activities. Next, it explores children's image rights and the legal protection of their assets by parents, with an emphasis on the limits of this right and the ethical challenges faced in asset management. The text then details the concept of patrimonial violence, its nature, and its impact on victims, followed by the case study of Larissa Manoela, a Brazilian actress who began working at the age of 4 and achieved great success in her career in the youth soap opera "Carrossel," highlighting the financial abuse she faced, the violation of the principles of children and adolescents established in the ECA, and the legal ramifications of this case, including bills inspired by her situation to protect the patrimonial interests of children involved in artistic activities. The summary provides a comprehensive overview of the issues discussed in the work, emphasizing the importance of protecting children's rights in labor and patrimonial contexts.
The work addresses three interconnected themes: the configuration of child labor in the arts and the professionalization of children, the management and enjoyment of the assets of minor children, and the issue of patrimonial violence, highlighting the case study involving actress Larissa Manoela, as well as the violation of the principles of children and adolescents established by the Statute of the Child and Adolescent, such as integral protection, solidarity, absolute priority, and the peculiar condition of the developing person. It begins by discussing the concept of child labor, the Brazilian laws that govern it, and the exceptional permission for artistic activities. Next, it explores children's image rights and the legal protection of their assets by parents, with an emphasis on the limits of this right and the ethical challenges faced in asset management. The text then details the concept of patrimonial violence, its nature, and its impact on victims, followed by the case study of Larissa Manoela, a Brazilian actress who began working at the age of 4 and achieved great success in her career in the youth soap opera "Carrossel," highlighting the financial abuse she faced, the violation of the principles of children and adolescents established in the ECA, and the legal ramifications of this case, including bills inspired by her situation to protect the patrimonial interests of children involved in artistic activities. The summary provides a comprehensive overview of the issues discussed in the work, emphasizing the importance of protecting children's rights in labor and patrimonial contexts.
trabalho infantil artístico , exploração da imagem da criança. , violência patrimonial , caso “Larissa Manoela”. , artistic child labor , exploitation of the child's image , property violence , "Larissa Manoela" case