Ecocídio tutelado pelo tribunal penal internacional à luz das denúncias na floresta amazônica
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Lins, Giovanna Bruzzese
Waldman, Ricardo Libel
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Devido a incidência de crimes ambientais e de genocídio que ocorrem na Amazônia
brasileira, que na maioria das vezes ficam impunes, o presente artigo explora os obstáculos
enfrentados ao ampliar a competência do Tribunal Penal Internacional (TPI) para incluir o crime
de ecocídio como uma nova categoria no Estatuto de Roma. Por meio de um estudo do tipo
descritivo-analítico, fundamentado em pesquisa bibliográfica e documental, serão abordados
casos concretos do crime contra a Amazônia e os Povos Originários que lá vivem a fim de
destacar a importância de incluir crimes ambientais sob a jurisdição do TPI. Através da
definição do termo Ecocídio, busca-se atender aos requisitos delineados no Estatuto de Roma
para que seja possível a tipificação do crime, sendo este julgado pelo Tribunal Penal
Due to the incidence of environmental crimes and genocide that occur in the Brazilian Amazon, which most often go unpunished, this article explores the obstacles faced when expanding the jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court to include the crime of ecocide as a new category in the Rome Statute. Through a descriptive-analytical study, based on bibliographical and documentary research, concrete cases of crime against the Amazon and the Original Peoples who live there will be addressed in order to highlight the importance of including environmental crimes under the jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court. By defining the term Ecocide, we seek to meet the requirements outlined in the Rome Statute so that the crime can be classified and judged by the International Criminal Court.
Due to the incidence of environmental crimes and genocide that occur in the Brazilian Amazon, which most often go unpunished, this article explores the obstacles faced when expanding the jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court to include the crime of ecocide as a new category in the Rome Statute. Through a descriptive-analytical study, based on bibliographical and documentary research, concrete cases of crime against the Amazon and the Original Peoples who live there will be addressed in order to highlight the importance of including environmental crimes under the jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court. By defining the term Ecocide, we seek to meet the requirements outlined in the Rome Statute so that the crime can be classified and judged by the International Criminal Court.
ecocídio , Amazônia , povos originários , estatuto de roma , ecocide , Amazon , native peoples , rome statut