Princípio da insignificância: uma análise da sua aplicação no ordenamento jurídico e seus reflexos na sociedade
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Ricci, Felipe Pandolfi
Petean, Fabiano Augusto
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A aplicação do princípio da insignificância, pacificado em diversos julgados e nas
jurisprudências do Supremo Tribunal Federal e do Supremo Tribunal de Justiça, pode impactar
tanto no funcionamento da custosa e complexa máquina jurídica do Direito penal, bem como
na sociedade e na vida das pessoas afetadas pelo acolhimento ou não do princípio. O presente
artigo pretende analisar principalmente a sua aplicação nos denominados “crimes de bagatela”,
seus requisitos e em quais casos pode ser aplicado. Bem como seus reflexos na vida daqueles
que se tornam réus em processos penais e acabam por tendo ou não esse benefício deferido.
Ademais, será evidenciado o direto impacto junto ao sistema penal do Brasil, mostrando sua
influência junto ao aumento de número de processos e da população carcerária, trazendo um
recorte para a necessidade do Poder Judiciário trabalhar formas de ressocialização e prevenção
de crimes.
The principle of insignificance application pacified in many decisions and cases from such the Supreme Court of Justice but also the Supreme Federal Court, can impact in both the operation of the costly and complex judiciary machine in criminal law but also in the society and in the life of the people affected by the application or not of the principle. The present article intends to analyze, mostly, the application of the principle, it´s requirements and in which cases it can be applied. As well as it´s reflections on the lives of those accused on lawsuits in which will end up with or without the benefit. Furthermore, will be highlighted it´s reflections within the penal system in Brazil, showing its influence on the rise of the number of lawsuits and prison population, bringing a look to the necessity of the judiciary on working into forms of resocialization and crime prevention.
The principle of insignificance application pacified in many decisions and cases from such the Supreme Court of Justice but also the Supreme Federal Court, can impact in both the operation of the costly and complex judiciary machine in criminal law but also in the society and in the life of the people affected by the application or not of the principle. The present article intends to analyze, mostly, the application of the principle, it´s requirements and in which cases it can be applied. As well as it´s reflections on the lives of those accused on lawsuits in which will end up with or without the benefit. Furthermore, will be highlighted it´s reflections within the penal system in Brazil, showing its influence on the rise of the number of lawsuits and prison population, bringing a look to the necessity of the judiciary on working into forms of resocialization and crime prevention.
princípio da insignificância , poder judiciário , direito penal , reflexos , principle of insignificance , judiciary , criminal law , reflections