A responsabilidade tributária do tomador de serviços
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Silva, Debora Beatriz
Paoli, Fulvia Helena de Gioia
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A prestação de serviços, possui grande relevância no Brasil, sendo parte de um dos principais
setores econômicos que impulsionam o PIB do país. Assim, surge a figura do tomador de
serviços que é fundamental para o funcionamento dessa cadeia de serviços. Esta relevância não
apenas influencia aspectos econômicos, mas também implica em obrigações tributárias, o que
torna crucial a análise de sua responsabilidade fiscal. Desse modo, o presente artigo, buscará
de forma objetiva, explorar a responsabilidade tributária do Tomador de Serviços, com ênfase
no Imposto sobre Serviços de Qualquer Natureza (ISS), e suas ramificações, incluindo a
responsabilidade solidária. Para tanto, serão utilizadas como fundamentação o Código
Tributário Nacional, a Lei Complementar nº 116/2003, bem como legislações municipais
pertinentes e jurisprudências emanadas dos tribunais.
The provision of services is of great importance in Brazil, being part of one of the main economic sectors that drive the country's GDP. This gives rise to the figure of the service taker, who is fundamental to the functioning of this service chain. This importance not only influences economic aspects, but also implies tax obligations, which makes it crucial to analyse their fiscal responsibility. This article will therefore objectively explore the tax liability of the service taker, with an emphasis on the Tax on Services of Any Kind (ISS) and its ramifications, including joint and several liability. To this end, the National Tax Code, Complementary Law 116/2003, as well as relevant municipal legislation and case law from the courts will be used as a basis.
The provision of services is of great importance in Brazil, being part of one of the main economic sectors that drive the country's GDP. This gives rise to the figure of the service taker, who is fundamental to the functioning of this service chain. This importance not only influences economic aspects, but also implies tax obligations, which makes it crucial to analyse their fiscal responsibility. This article will therefore objectively explore the tax liability of the service taker, with an emphasis on the Tax on Services of Any Kind (ISS) and its ramifications, including joint and several liability. To this end, the National Tax Code, Complementary Law 116/2003, as well as relevant municipal legislation and case law from the courts will be used as a basis.
tomador de serviços , responsabilidade tributária , ISS , responsabilidade solidária , service purchaser , tax liability , joint and several liability