O racismo no sistema prisional brasileiro: prática do perfilamento racial em torno do habeas corpus 208240 e análise do caso Preta Ferreira
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Nascimento, Brenda Damas
Santos, Marco Aurélio Moura dos
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Este artigo examina o impacto do racismo estrutural nas práticas judiciais e carcerárias do
Brasil, utilizando o caso de Preta Ferreira e Francisco Cícero como exemplos . O
objetivo principal é investigar a intersecção do racismo com o sistema prisional e destacar os
desafios enfrentados por indivíduos negros dentro deste contexto. A metodologia adotada inclui
uma revisão de literatura abrangente de artigos científicos para construir uma análise
qualitativa e bibliográfica sobre o tema. Os resultados indicam que, apesar das garantias
constitucionais contra a discriminação, práticas de racismo institucionalizado persistem,
influenciando negativamente a vida de pessoas negras, como demonstrado no caso de Preta
Ferreira e Francisco Cícero em torno do Habeas Corpus 208240, onde preconceitos raciais
podem ter influenciado as decisões judiciais e a aplicação das leis. O estudo revela que as
condições de encarceramento e as decisões judiciais frequentemente refletem viés racial,
resultando em tratamentos desiguais e injustos para os detentos negros. Assim, conclui-se que
há a necessidade de reformas sistemáticas no sistema prisional e judiciário para combater o
racismo estrutural e garantir que os direitos fundamentais sejam acessíveis a todos os cidadãos,
independentemente da cor da pele.
This article examines the impact of structural racism on judicial and prison practices in Brazil, using the case of Preta Ferreira and Francisco Cícero as examples. The main objective is to investigate the intersection of racism with the prison system and highlight the challenges faced by black individuals within this context. The methodology adopted includes a comprehensive literature review of scientific articles to construct a qualitative and bibliographic analysis on the topic. The results indicate that, despite constitutional guarantees against discrimination, practices of institutionalized racism persist, negatively influencing the lives of black people, as demonstrated in the case of Preta Ferreira and Francisco Cícero around Habeas Corpus 208240, where racial prejudices may have influenced judicial decisions and the application of laws. The study reveals that incarceration conditions and judicial decisions often reflect racial bias, resulting in unequal and unfair treatment for black inmates. Therefore, it is concluded that there is a need for systematic reforms in the prison and judicial system to combat structural racism and ensure that fundamental rights are accessible to all citizens, regardless of skin color.
This article examines the impact of structural racism on judicial and prison practices in Brazil, using the case of Preta Ferreira and Francisco Cícero as examples. The main objective is to investigate the intersection of racism with the prison system and highlight the challenges faced by black individuals within this context. The methodology adopted includes a comprehensive literature review of scientific articles to construct a qualitative and bibliographic analysis on the topic. The results indicate that, despite constitutional guarantees against discrimination, practices of institutionalized racism persist, negatively influencing the lives of black people, as demonstrated in the case of Preta Ferreira and Francisco Cícero around Habeas Corpus 208240, where racial prejudices may have influenced judicial decisions and the application of laws. The study reveals that incarceration conditions and judicial decisions often reflect racial bias, resulting in unequal and unfair treatment for black inmates. Therefore, it is concluded that there is a need for systematic reforms in the prison and judicial system to combat structural racism and ensure that fundamental rights are accessible to all citizens, regardless of skin color.
racismo institucionalizado , caso Preta Ferreira , sistema carcerário brasileiro , desigualdade judicial , institutionalized racism , Preta Ferreira case , brazilian prison system , judicial inequality