O valor probatório da palavra da vítima nos crimes contra a dignidade sexual
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Sabino, Beatriz Santos
Dezem, Guilherme Madeira
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O presente artigo científico tem como objetivo analisar o valor atribuído à palavra da
vítima nos delitos cometidos contra a dignidade sexual, especialmente no que concerne ao crime
de estupro. Os crimes de estupro, devido à sua ocorrência na clandestinidade, representam
desafios significativos para a obtenção de provas. Essas dificuldades são agravadas pela
ausência de testemunhas, pela prática dos atos em locais isolados e pouco vigiados, e pela
possibilidade de a vítima, em certas circunstâncias, encontrar-se desacordada, o que, muitas
vezes, resulta na impunidade do agressor. Nesse cenário, a palavra da vítima ganha especial
valor probatório, desde que esteja em conformidade com as demais provas do processo. Além
disso, o artigo se propõe a oferecer um panorama histórico abrangente sobre a evolução do
crime de estupro ao longo da história, destacando a importância da prova no contexto geral do
processo penal, e a examinar as soluções doutrinárias e jurisprudenciais para enfrentar essa
This scientific article aims to analyze the value attributed to the victim's word in crimes committed against sexual dignity, especially with regard to the crime of rape. Rape crimes, due to their clandestine nature, pose significant challenges for obtaining evidence. These difficulties are aggravated by the absence of witnesses, the fact that the acts are carried out in isolated and unsupervised locations, and the possibility that the victim, in certain circumstances, is unconscious, which often results in the perpetrator going unpunished. In this scenario, the victim's word gains special probative value, as long as it is in line with the other evidence in the case. In addition, the article aims to provide a comprehensive historical overview of the evolution of the crime of rape throughout history, highlighting the importance of evidence in the general context of criminal proceedings, and examining the doctrinal and jurisprudential solutions for dealing with this problem.
This scientific article aims to analyze the value attributed to the victim's word in crimes committed against sexual dignity, especially with regard to the crime of rape. Rape crimes, due to their clandestine nature, pose significant challenges for obtaining evidence. These difficulties are aggravated by the absence of witnesses, the fact that the acts are carried out in isolated and unsupervised locations, and the possibility that the victim, in certain circumstances, is unconscious, which often results in the perpetrator going unpunished. In this scenario, the victim's word gains special probative value, as long as it is in line with the other evidence in the case. In addition, the article aims to provide a comprehensive historical overview of the evolution of the crime of rape throughout history, highlighting the importance of evidence in the general context of criminal proceedings, and examining the doctrinal and jurisprudential solutions for dealing with this problem.
crimes contra a dignidade sexual , estupro , valor probatório da palavra da vítima , provas no processo penal , crimes againstsexual dignity , rape , probative value of the victim's word , evidence in criminal proceedings