A morosidade procedimental do sistema de adoção no Brasil
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Santos, Ana Paula Silva dos
Junqueira, Michelle Asato
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O presente artigo tem a finalidade de analisar a morosidade procedimental do
sistema de adoção no Brasil. Primeiro será abordado o conceito de adoção e família,
análise das modalidades de colocação em família substituta, inovações introduzidas pela
Lei 12.010/09 no Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente e os requisitos do processo de
adoção na legislação brasileira. Com ênfase no ambiente familiar concedidos as crianças
e aos adolescentes que anseiam por um lar que os acolha, garantindo seu bem-estar para
um desenvolvimento saudável. Ao final será demonstrado os principais entraves do
sistema adotivo e as soluções que podem ser utilizadas para tornar o procedimento mais
célere e efetivo. A pesquisa utilizou- se do método indutivo, com pesquisas realizadas
junto á constituição Federal, Código Civil, Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente,
doutrinas e Levantamento de dados do CNA e terceiro setor.
This article aims to analyze the procedural slowness of the adoption system in Brazil. First, the concept of adoption and family will be discussed, analysis of the modalities of placement in a foster family, innovations introduced by Law 12.010/09 in the Child and Adolescent Statute. and the requirements of the adoption process in Brazilian legislation. With an emphasis on the family environment, it provides children and adolescents who long for a home that welcomes them, guaranteeing their well-being for healthy development. At the end, the main obstacles to the adoptive system and the solutions that can be used to make the procedure faster and more effective will be demonstrated. The research used was an inductive method, with research carried out on the Federal Constitution, Civil Code, Child and Adolescent Statute, doctrines and data collection from the CNA and the third sector.
This article aims to analyze the procedural slowness of the adoption system in Brazil. First, the concept of adoption and family will be discussed, analysis of the modalities of placement in a foster family, innovations introduced by Law 12.010/09 in the Child and Adolescent Statute. and the requirements of the adoption process in Brazilian legislation. With an emphasis on the family environment, it provides children and adolescents who long for a home that welcomes them, guaranteeing their well-being for healthy development. At the end, the main obstacles to the adoptive system and the solutions that can be used to make the procedure faster and more effective will be demonstrated. The research used was an inductive method, with research carried out on the Federal Constitution, Civil Code, Child and Adolescent Statute, doctrines and data collection from the CNA and the third sector.
adoção , morosidade , crianças , burocracia , família , adoption , slowness , children , bureaucracy , family