Liberdade religiosa à luz do direito natural em Tomás de Aquino
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Diniz, Ana Sara Prado
Madureira, Jonas Moreira
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A partir dos escritos da “Suma Teológica” de Tomás de Aquino (IIª IIªe
) e da interpretação feita
pelo filósofo, historiador e jurista francês Michel Villey, este estudo visa analisar
especificamente os conceitos de direito natural e dialética e busca compreender as contribuições
que “a ciência da boa disputa” pode oferecer às discussões sobre liberdade religiosa à luz do
direito natural. Para este fim, primeiro serão estudados os recortes inerentes a estes conceitos
selecionados a partir da obra de Tomás de Aquino, seguida da interpretação de Michel Villey.
Após isto, será feita uma reflexão sobre a liberdade religiosa no Brasil, observando-a a partir
do Leading Case ARE 1.099.099 do Supremo Tribunal Federal com tema de repercussão geral
nº 1.021. Por fim, será analisada a relação entre Tomás de Aquino e a liberdade religiosa.
Based on the writings of Thomas Aquinas "Summa Theologica" (IIª IIª) and the interpretation by the French philosopher, historian, and jurist Michel Villey, this study aims to specifically analyze the concepts of natural law and dialectics and seeks to understand the contributions that "the science of good dispute" can offer to discussions on religious freedom in light of natural law. For this purpose, the sections inherent to these selected concepts from the work of Thomas Aquinas will be studied first, followed by Michel Villey's interpretation. After this, there will be a reflection on religious freedom in Brazil, observing it from the Leading Case ARE 1,099,099 of the Brazilian Supreme Federal Court with general repercussion theme no. 1,021. Finally, the relationship between Thomas Aquinas and religious freedom will be analyzed.
Based on the writings of Thomas Aquinas "Summa Theologica" (IIª IIª) and the interpretation by the French philosopher, historian, and jurist Michel Villey, this study aims to specifically analyze the concepts of natural law and dialectics and seeks to understand the contributions that "the science of good dispute" can offer to discussions on religious freedom in light of natural law. For this purpose, the sections inherent to these selected concepts from the work of Thomas Aquinas will be studied first, followed by Michel Villey's interpretation. After this, there will be a reflection on religious freedom in Brazil, observing it from the Leading Case ARE 1,099,099 of the Brazilian Supreme Federal Court with general repercussion theme no. 1,021. Finally, the relationship between Thomas Aquinas and religious freedom will be analyzed.
direito natural , liberdade religiosa , Tomás de Aquino , natural law , religious freedom , Thomas Aquinas