A interface entre direito internacional humanitário e o meio ambiente em conflitos armados
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Saú, Mariana Sanches
Mahlke, Helisane
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O Direito Humanitário Internacional é o direito que rege a maneira na qual a guerra é conduzida, com o objetivo principal de proteger os civis, seus objetos, e regular o uso da força. Este trabalho propõe explorar a interseção entre Direito Internacional Humanitário e a preservação do meio ambiente durante conflitos armados, como um objeto civil, com ênfase na análise das normas contidas na Convenção da Haia de 1907, nas Convenções de Genebra de 1949 e seus protocolos adicionais, utilizando casos exemplificativos em que houve a destruição do meio ambiente, como a Guerra do Vietnã e a Primeira Guerra do Golfo. A partir deste estudo, foram analisadas as consequências das violações do Direito Internacional Humanitário no que se refere ao meio ambiente, bem como os meios de cooperação internacional para que este seja protegido efetivamente. Desse modo, reflete-se acerca do interesse de preservação do meio ambiente natural e interesses militares, considerando a necessidade de proteger o ecossistema para a manutenção da vida na Terra.
International Humanitarian Law is the law that governs the way in which war is conducted, with the main goal of protecting civilians, its objects, and regulating the use of force. This paper proposes to explore the intersection between International Humanitarian Law and the preservation of the environment during armed conflicts, as a civilian object, with an emphasis on analyzing the norms contained in the 1907 Hague Convention, the 1949 Geneva Conventions and its Additional Protocols, using exemplary cases in which the environment was destroyed, such as the Vietnam War and the First Gulf War. This study analyzed the consequences of violations of international humanitarian law with regard to the environment, as well as the means of international cooperation to effectively protect it. In this way, it reflects on the interest of preserving the natural environment and military interests, considering the need to protect the ecosystem in order to maintain life on Earth.
International Humanitarian Law is the law that governs the way in which war is conducted, with the main goal of protecting civilians, its objects, and regulating the use of force. This paper proposes to explore the intersection between International Humanitarian Law and the preservation of the environment during armed conflicts, as a civilian object, with an emphasis on analyzing the norms contained in the 1907 Hague Convention, the 1949 Geneva Conventions and its Additional Protocols, using exemplary cases in which the environment was destroyed, such as the Vietnam War and the First Gulf War. This study analyzed the consequences of violations of international humanitarian law with regard to the environment, as well as the means of international cooperation to effectively protect it. In this way, it reflects on the interest of preserving the natural environment and military interests, considering the need to protect the ecosystem in order to maintain life on Earth.
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direito internacional humanitário , direito ambiental , conflitos armados , proteção do meio ambiente em guerra , international humanitarian law , environmental law , armed conflicts , protection of the environment in war