“Dano moral” não indenizável e a influência da função punitiva da responsabilidade civil no âmbito do direito do consumidor
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Almeida , Júlia Beatriz Evangelista de
Wagner Junior, Luiz Guilherme da Costa
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A presente monografia tem por objetivo analisar a inter-relação verificada entre a função punitiva da responsabilidade civil e os danos bagatelares, isto é, os meros dissabores do cotidiano, verdadeiros “danos morais” não indenizáveis, de modo a traçar o panorama dessa ligação.
Nessa linha, buscou-se definir os institutos, trazendo à baila o entendimento majoritário acerca da aplicação da função punitiva no ordenamento jurídico brasileiro, o que conduz a incontestável influência desta na provocação do Poder Judiciário com demandas frívolas de consumo, ocasionando a judicialização dos aborrecimentos comuns ao dia a dia dos indivíduos, os assim nomeados danos bagatelares, por meio dos quais se pretende a concessão de indenização por suposto dano moral sofrido, importando em inegável enriquecimento sem causa.
O fenômeno importa, portanto, na banalização da figura do dano moral, ocasionando, ainda, o abarrotamento do Poder Judiciário com demandas dessa natureza.
This dissertation aims to analyze the interrelation that is verified between the punitive function of torts and the trifling damages, that is, the mere inconveniences of daily life, true "moral damages" which are non-indemnifiable, as a means of delineating the outlook of this link. In this vein, this study sought to define the legal institutions, bringing forth the majority position on the application of the punitive function in the Brazilian legal order, which reveals the incontestable influence of said punitive function in the prompting of the Judiciary to decide frivolous consumer matters, which gives rise to the judicialization of daily inconveniences of individual life, the so-called trifling damages, through which one intends to attain indemnification for supposed moral damages suffered, which amounts to unequivocal illicit enrichment. This phenomenon elicits, thus, the banalization of the moral damages institution, which further causes the overcrowding of the Judiciary with pleas of this nature.
This dissertation aims to analyze the interrelation that is verified between the punitive function of torts and the trifling damages, that is, the mere inconveniences of daily life, true "moral damages" which are non-indemnifiable, as a means of delineating the outlook of this link. In this vein, this study sought to define the legal institutions, bringing forth the majority position on the application of the punitive function in the Brazilian legal order, which reveals the incontestable influence of said punitive function in the prompting of the Judiciary to decide frivolous consumer matters, which gives rise to the judicialization of daily inconveniences of individual life, the so-called trifling damages, through which one intends to attain indemnification for supposed moral damages suffered, which amounts to unequivocal illicit enrichment. This phenomenon elicits, thus, the banalization of the moral damages institution, which further causes the overcrowding of the Judiciary with pleas of this nature.
função punitiva , danos bagatelares , mero aborrecimento , punitive function , trifling damages , mere inconveniences