Sistema Athos e o impacto da inteligência artificial na prestação jurisdicional do Superior Tribunal de Justiça
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Reis, Beatriz Rodrigues Batista
Ariente, Eduardo Altomare
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O judiciário tem direcionado atenção às possibilidades advindas do uso das novas tecnologias, como forma de otimizar suas tarefas e reduzir o acervo de processos congestionados. Diante deste cenário, o Superior Tribunal de Justiça (STJ) implementou o Sistema Athos, inteligência artificial lançada em 2019 com o intuito de identificar, antes da distribuição aos ministros, os processos que podem ser sujeitos para julgamento sob o rito dos recursos repetitivos. Este artigo tem como objetivo realizar uma pesquisa aprofundada sobre esta ferramenta e seus efeitos na formação de controvérsias e na gestão dos processos repetitivos no Superior Tribunal de Justiça. Pretendeu-se, analisar as problemáticas envolvidas ao tema, discutindo sobre a efetividade das operações realizadas pelo Sistema Athos, e perspectivas para o futuro do processo de tomada de Decisão Judicial no STJ frente às novas tecnologias. A partir deste estudo foi possível verificar os benefícios do sistema Athos na promoção da celeridade processual, bem como os efeitos de sua atuação no fomento de um judiciário mais eficiente e justo.
The judiciary has been focusing on the opportunities brought by the use of new technologies as a way to optimize its tasks and reduce the backlog of congested cases. In this context, the Superior Court of Justice (STJ) implemented the Athos System, an artificial intelligence launched in 2019 with the purpose of identifying, before distribution to the justices, the cases that may be subject to judgment under the repetitive appeals procedure. This article aims to conduct an in-depth research on this tool and its effects on the formation of controversies and the management of repetitive cases in the Superior Court of Justice. The intention was to analyze the issues related to the subject, discussing the effectiveness of the operations carried out by the Athos System, and prospects for the future of the Judicial Decision-Making Process at the STJ in light of new technologies. Through this study, it was possible to verify the benefits of the Athos System in promoting procedural efficiency, as well as the effects of its performance in fostering a more efficient and just judiciary.
The judiciary has been focusing on the opportunities brought by the use of new technologies as a way to optimize its tasks and reduce the backlog of congested cases. In this context, the Superior Court of Justice (STJ) implemented the Athos System, an artificial intelligence launched in 2019 with the purpose of identifying, before distribution to the justices, the cases that may be subject to judgment under the repetitive appeals procedure. This article aims to conduct an in-depth research on this tool and its effects on the formation of controversies and the management of repetitive cases in the Superior Court of Justice. The intention was to analyze the issues related to the subject, discussing the effectiveness of the operations carried out by the Athos System, and prospects for the future of the Judicial Decision-Making Process at the STJ in light of new technologies. Through this study, it was possible to verify the benefits of the Athos System in promoting procedural efficiency, as well as the effects of its performance in fostering a more efficient and just judiciary.
sistema Athos , Superior Tribunal de Justiça , inteligência artificial , athos system , Superior Court of Justice , artificial intelligence