Direito autoral e inteligência artificial: aplicação de direitos autorais sobre obras geradas por inteligência artificial
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Baldan, Arthur Marcolino
Caldeira, Adriano César Braz
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Nos últimos anos, as pesquisas a respeito e os softwares de inteligência artificial
evoluíram muito repentinamente trazendo diversas novas aplicações para essa tecnologia e
hoje, o uso da IA está tão difundida na sociedade que são identificáveis impactos nas na área
da ciência médica, transporte, aviação, espaço, educação, entretenimento (música, arte, jogos
e filmes), indústria e muitos outros setores que foram transformados, afetando tremendamente
nossas vidas cotidianas. Dessa forma, o presente trabalho tem como objetivo apresentar uma
análise a respeito da aplicação de normas de proteção aos direitos de autor quanto a obras que
foram geradas a partir de inteligência artificial. O foco deste trabalho é obter respostas para as
dúvidas a respeito das questões relacionadas a autoria e a proteção de obras geradas por
inteligência artificial através de análise de legislações pertinentes, “leading cases” e
entendimento doutrinário. Além disso, será demonstrada a importância do tema para direito
brasileiro, junto também de seus impactos nas áreas da cultura, economia e sociedade de
forma geral. A discussão acerca da propriedade intelectual em obras geradas por IA surge em
um momento crucial, já que avanços tecnológicos estão desafiando as leis de direitos autorais
tradicionais e a compreensão desses desafios e a adaptação da legislação são essenciais para
garantir um equilíbrio entre a promoção da inovação e a preservação dos direitos dos
criadores. Portanto, este estudo busca contribuir para a compreensão mais aprofundada das
implicações legais e sociais dessa interseção entre criatividade humana e inteligência
artificial, com foco especial nas implicações para o Brasil.
In recent years, research and artificial intelligence software have evolved rapidly, bringing numerous new applications for this technology. Today, the use of AI is so widespread in society that identifiable impacts can be seen in areas such as medical science, transportation, aviation, space, education, entertainment (music, art, games, and movies), industry, and many other sectors that have been transformed, significantly affecting our daily lives. Thus, the present work aims to provide an analysis regarding the application of copyright protection norms to works generated by artificial intelligence. The focus of the work is to obtain answers to questions regarding issues related to the authorship and protection of copyright in works generated by artificial intelligence through the analysis of relevant legislation, leading cases, and doctrinal understanding. In addition, the importance of the topic for Brazilian law will be demonstrated, along with its impacts on the areas of culture, economy, and society in general. The discussion regarding intellectual property in AI-generated works arises at a crucial moment, as technological advancements are challenging traditional copyright laws and understanding these challenges and adapting legislation is essential to ensure a balance between promoting innovation and preserving the rights of creators. Therefore, this study seeks to contribute to a deeper understanding of the legal and social implications of the intersection between human creativity and artificial intelligence, with a special focus on implications for Brazil.
In recent years, research and artificial intelligence software have evolved rapidly, bringing numerous new applications for this technology. Today, the use of AI is so widespread in society that identifiable impacts can be seen in areas such as medical science, transportation, aviation, space, education, entertainment (music, art, games, and movies), industry, and many other sectors that have been transformed, significantly affecting our daily lives. Thus, the present work aims to provide an analysis regarding the application of copyright protection norms to works generated by artificial intelligence. The focus of the work is to obtain answers to questions regarding issues related to the authorship and protection of copyright in works generated by artificial intelligence through the analysis of relevant legislation, leading cases, and doctrinal understanding. In addition, the importance of the topic for Brazilian law will be demonstrated, along with its impacts on the areas of culture, economy, and society in general. The discussion regarding intellectual property in AI-generated works arises at a crucial moment, as technological advancements are challenging traditional copyright laws and understanding these challenges and adapting legislation is essential to ensure a balance between promoting innovation and preserving the rights of creators. Therefore, this study seeks to contribute to a deeper understanding of the legal and social implications of the intersection between human creativity and artificial intelligence, with a special focus on implications for Brazil.
inteligência artificial , direitos autorais , autoria , artificial intelligence , copyrights , authorship