A tributação como instrumento de efetivação dos compromissos ambientais internacionais brasileiros
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Santos, Ana Beatriz Vasconcelos dos
Dezem, Guilherme Madeira
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O presente artigo busca analisar a interseção entre a tributação e os compromissos ambientais internacionais do Brasil, explorando o histórico da agenda ambiental brasileira e destacando os compromissos assumidos internacionalmente. A análise se estende ao conceito de desenvolvimento sustentável, enfatizando a necessidade de alinhar a política tributária com metas ambientais. O papel da tributação como instrumento de indução para práticas sustentáveis é examinado, com um enfoque específico na tributação ecológica no contexto brasileiro. Por fim, o artigo discute a atualidade da tributação ecológica no cenário da reforma tributária brasileira, promovendo uma reflexão sobre as implicações e desafios dessa abordagem na efetivação dos compromissos ambientais internacionais assumidos pelo país.
This article aims to analyze the intersection between taxation and Brazil's international environmental commitments, exploring the history of the Brazilian environmental agenda and highlighting commitments made globally. The analysis extends to the concept of sustainable development, emphasizing the need to align tax policy with environmental goals. The role of taxation as an inducement tool for sustainable practices is examined, with a specific focus on ecological taxation in the Brazilian context. Finally, the article discusses the current relevance of ecological taxation in the scenario of the Brazilian tax reform, prompting reflection on the implications and challenges of this approach in achieving the country's international environmental commitments.
This article aims to analyze the intersection between taxation and Brazil's international environmental commitments, exploring the history of the Brazilian environmental agenda and highlighting commitments made globally. The analysis extends to the concept of sustainable development, emphasizing the need to align tax policy with environmental goals. The role of taxation as an inducement tool for sustainable practices is examined, with a specific focus on ecological taxation in the Brazilian context. Finally, the article discusses the current relevance of ecological taxation in the scenario of the Brazilian tax reform, prompting reflection on the implications and challenges of this approach in achieving the country's international environmental commitments.
Trabalho indicado pela benca examinadora ao Prêmio TCC
direito tributário ambiental , extrafiscalidade ambiental , economia verde , direito ambiental internacional , environmental tax law , environmental fiscal policy , green economy , international environmental law