Autoria de invenções criadas por inteligência artificial: um estudo dos casos “dabus”
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Nonaka, André Hideyoshi
Padin, Camila Ferrara
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O presente trabalho teve por objetivo analisar decisões emitidas em múltiplas jurisdições
(Brasil e exterior) relativas aos pedidos de patente depositados por Stephen Thaler, para os quais
foi nomeado como autor das invenções um sistema de Inteligência Artificial (DABUS).
Observou-se que as decisões apontam unanimemente para a impossibilidade de uma
Inteligência Artificial ser nomeada como inventora, bem como impossibilidade de concessão
de patente nestas condições. Foi identificada a existência de entendimentos comuns entre as
decisões que nortearam o entendimento exarado nas mesmas, bem como lacunas e divergências
que implicam na complexidade de incorporação do tema em nosso ordenamento jurídico.
The present work aimed to analyze decisions issued in multiple jurisdictions (Brazil and abroad) regarding patent applications filed by Stephen Thaler, for which an Artificial Intelligence system (DABUS) was named as the author of the inventions. It was observed that the decisions unanimously point to the impossibility of an Artificial Intelligence being named as an inventor, as well as the impossibility of granting a patent under these conditions. It was identified the existence of common understandings between the decisions that guided the understanding expressed in them, as well as gaps and divergences that imply the complexity of incorporating the topic into our legal system.
The present work aimed to analyze decisions issued in multiple jurisdictions (Brazil and abroad) regarding patent applications filed by Stephen Thaler, for which an Artificial Intelligence system (DABUS) was named as the author of the inventions. It was observed that the decisions unanimously point to the impossibility of an Artificial Intelligence being named as an inventor, as well as the impossibility of granting a patent under these conditions. It was identified the existence of common understandings between the decisions that guided the understanding expressed in them, as well as gaps and divergences that imply the complexity of incorporating the topic into our legal system.
propriedade industrial , patente , invenção , autoria , industrial property , patent , invention , authorship