Direito ao refúgio durante a pandemia de Covid-19: análise da política migratória brasileira a partir das portarias interministeriais de restrição de entrada
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Rebouças, Anna Gabriela
Pereira, Flávio de Leão Bastos
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A pesquisa visa analisar as dificuldades sociais e jurídicas enfrentadas por pessoas que buscaram solicitar refúgio no Brasil durante a pandemia de Covid-19 sob a vigência de normas infralegais de restrição de entrada e permanência no país. Nesse contexto, considerando que o descumprimento das Portarias Interministeriais ensejava a responsabilização civil, administrativa e penal, além de retirada compulsória imediata e inabilitação do pedido de refúgio, este trabalho busca identificar a compatibilidade dessa política migratória brasileira frente ao princípio do non-refoulement e normas jus cogens do Direito Internacional de Direitos Humanos, uma vez que esses não podem ser revogados por força do controle de convencionalidade e constitucionalidade. Portanto, a análise crítica quanto à eficácia da legislação nacional de amparo jurídico para proteção aos refugiados em respeito às normas constitucionais, ao Direito Internacional dos Refugiados, ao Direito Internacional dos Direitos Humanos, ao Estatuto dos Refugiados e à Lei de Migração é imprescindível para o estudo contemporâneo do direito migratório no Estado Democrático de Direito.
The research aims to analyze the social and legal difficulties faced by people who sought refuge in Brazil during the Covid-19 pandemic under the infralegal rules restricting entry and stay in the country. In this context, considering that non-compliance with the Interministerial Ordinances gave rise to civil, administrative and criminal liability, in addition to immediate compulsory withdrawal and disability to request refugee, the research seeks to identify the compatibility of this Brazilian migration policy with the principle of non-refoulement and jus cogens norms of International Human Rights Law, since these cannot be revoked by virtue of the control of conventionality and constitutionality. Therefore, a critical analysis of the effectiveness of Brazil's legal protection legislation for refugees in terms of constitutional norms, International Refugee Law, International Human Rights Law, the Refugee Statute and the Migration Law is essential for the contemporary study of migration law in the Democratic State of Law.
The research aims to analyze the social and legal difficulties faced by people who sought refuge in Brazil during the Covid-19 pandemic under the infralegal rules restricting entry and stay in the country. In this context, considering that non-compliance with the Interministerial Ordinances gave rise to civil, administrative and criminal liability, in addition to immediate compulsory withdrawal and disability to request refugee, the research seeks to identify the compatibility of this Brazilian migration policy with the principle of non-refoulement and jus cogens norms of International Human Rights Law, since these cannot be revoked by virtue of the control of conventionality and constitutionality. Therefore, a critical analysis of the effectiveness of Brazil's legal protection legislation for refugees in terms of constitutional norms, International Refugee Law, International Human Rights Law, the Refugee Statute and the Migration Law is essential for the contemporary study of migration law in the Democratic State of Law.
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refúgio , pandemia , portarias interministeriais , direito migratório , refuge , pandemic , interministerial ordinances , migration law