Revisão aduaneira e reclassificação fiscal
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Novis, Victor Ricobello
Takano, Caio Augusto
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Membros da banca
O objetivo dessa pesquisa é elaborar um estudo doutrinário e jurisprudencial sobre o procedimento de revisão aduaneira que ocasiona na reclassificação fiscal de mercadorias importadas, que foram previamente verificadas pela fiscalização e devidamente desembaraçadas. Primeiro, busca-se identificar se referida reclassificação representaria alteração de critério jurídico por parte da Administração Pública e ainda, se a anuência da Administração Pública com a classificação fiscal utilizada pelo importador em conferências aduaneiras anteriores, poderia ser considerada como norma complementar, por caracterizar prática reiterada da Administração Pública.
The objective of this research is to elaborate a doctrinal and jurisprudential study on the customs review procedure that causes the tax reclassification of imported goods, which were previously verified by the inspection and duly cleared. First, we seek to identify whether this reclassification would represent a change in legal criteria by the Public Administration and also, if the consent of the Public Administration with the tax classification used by the importer in previous customs conferences, could be considered as a complementary rule, by characterizing reiterated practice of the Public Administration.
The objective of this research is to elaborate a doctrinal and jurisprudential study on the customs review procedure that causes the tax reclassification of imported goods, which were previously verified by the inspection and duly cleared. First, we seek to identify whether this reclassification would represent a change in legal criteria by the Public Administration and also, if the consent of the Public Administration with the tax classification used by the importer in previous customs conferences, could be considered as a complementary rule, by characterizing reiterated practice of the Public Administration.
direito aduaneiro , direito tributário , classificação fiscal , revisão aduaneira , customs law , tax law , tax classification , customs review