Cuidados paliativos e ortotanásia como forma de efetivação do direito à dignidade da pessoa humana
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Penteado, Nicole Monaco de Arruda
Camillo, Carlos Eduardo Nicoletti
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O presente artigo visa esclarecer os principais pontos da Eutanásia, Distanásia e Ortotanásia, demonstrando todos os aspectos éticos e jurídicos que lhes sejam pertinentes, bem como exalta a necessidade e importância dos cuidados paliativos para que se resguarde e efetive o direito à dignidade da pessoa humana em seu processo de morte. Com foco na legislação pátria, cita as diversas fontes jurídicas usadas atualmente para a regularização do tema, assim como esclarece que apenas a Ortotanásia é permitida em território nacional, a correlacionando com os cuidados paliativos e esclarecendo a relevância de que ambos os processos sejam aplicados de forma conjunta.
This article aims to clarify the main points of Euthanasia, Dysthanasia and Orthothanasia, demonstrating all the ethical and legal aspects that are relevant to them, as well as exalting the need for and importance of palliative care in order to safeguard and implement the right to human dignity in dying process. Focusing on national legislation, it cites the various legal sources currently used to regulate the subject, as well as clarifying that only Orthothanasia is allowed in the national territory, correlating it with palliative care and clarifying the relevance of both processes being applied in a consistent manner of joint form.
This article aims to clarify the main points of Euthanasia, Dysthanasia and Orthothanasia, demonstrating all the ethical and legal aspects that are relevant to them, as well as exalting the need for and importance of palliative care in order to safeguard and implement the right to human dignity in dying process. Focusing on national legislation, it cites the various legal sources currently used to regulate the subject, as well as clarifying that only Orthothanasia is allowed in the national territory, correlating it with palliative care and clarifying the relevance of both processes being applied in a consistent manner of joint form.
cuidados paliativos , sedação paliativa , ortotanásia , direito à dignidade , palliative care , palliative sedation , orthothanasia , right to dignity