Uma análise sobre a sonegação fiscal e o desvio de finalidade do processo penal como meio de execução de dívida tributária
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Silva, Laura Caruy e
Aranha Filho, Adalberto José Queiroz Telles de Camargo
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O presente trabalho tem por objetivo examinar, por meio de uma pesquisa
bibliográfica, se há um desvio de finalidade do direito penal como meio de execução de dívidas
tributárias. Para tanto, analisou-se a criminalização dos delitos fiscais no Brasil, com foque no
delito de sonegação fiscal. Foi feito o estudo do bem jurídico tutelado nesses delitos e o instituto
despenalizador da sonegação fiscal e seus efeitos na efetiva punibilidade dessa conduta, com
vistas a entender se há um cenário de ameaça de prisão por dívida. Ao final da pesquisa
concluiu-se que há um desvirtuamento do direito penal nos crimes fiscais, utilizando-se o
Estado deste para arrecadação de tributos e execução de dívidas dessa natureza.
The present work aims to examine, through a bibliographical research, if there is a deviation from the purpose of criminal law as a means of executing tax debts. Therefore, the criminalization of tax offenses in Brazil was analyzed, focusing on the crime of tax evasion. A study was made of the legal interest protected in these crimes and the decriminalizing institute of tax evasion and its effects on the effective punishment of this conduct, in order to understand whether there is a threat of imprisonment for debt. At the end of the research, it was concluded that there is a distortion of criminal law in tax crimes, using the State to collect taxes and execute debts of this nature.
The present work aims to examine, through a bibliographical research, if there is a deviation from the purpose of criminal law as a means of executing tax debts. Therefore, the criminalization of tax offenses in Brazil was analyzed, focusing on the crime of tax evasion. A study was made of the legal interest protected in these crimes and the decriminalizing institute of tax evasion and its effects on the effective punishment of this conduct, in order to understand whether there is a threat of imprisonment for debt. At the end of the research, it was concluded that there is a distortion of criminal law in tax crimes, using the State to collect taxes and execute debts of this nature.
crimes contra a ordem tributária , bem juridíco , extinção da punibilidade , súmula vinculante nº 24 , crimes against the tax order , legal good , extinction of punishment , binding precedent nº 24