A redução dos custos com a efetivação do príncipio da concentração dos atos na matrícula imobiliária
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Silva Junior, José Maximo Ferreira da
Elias Filho, Rubens Carmo
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Membros da banca
O objetivo deste trabalho é estudar o princípio da concentração dos atos na
matrícula, que está previsto na Lei 13.097/15, e seu impacto na segurança jurídica e
celeridade do processo de aquisição de imóveis no Brasil. A lei estabelece que as
situações jurídicas relativas ao imóvel que não constarem da matrícula não poderão
ser opostas a terceiros de boa-fé. O estudo aborda as diferentes formas de aquisição
da propriedade imobiliária, com ênfase na aquisição por meio do registro do título no
cartório de registro de imóveis. Também são analisados os procedimentos de due
diligence imobiliária, que consistem na verificação da documentação relacionada ao
imóvel e seus proprietários. É destacada a importância de certos documentos e
certidões para comprovar a boa-fé do adquirente e mitigar riscos de fraude à execução
ou fraude contra credores, que poderiam levar à anulação da venda e à perda do
imóvel adquirido. Ao final do trabalho, são analisadas as consequências práticas do
princípio da concentração dos atos na matrícula, a fim de verificar se ele é capaz de
dispensar ou não a apresentação de documentos e certidões do imóvel e de seus
proprietários para uma aquisição segura. Além disso, é realizada uma análise das
principais alterações trazidas pela Lei 14.382/22 e seu impacto nas transações
imobiliárias. O objetivo geral do trabalho é examinar como o princípio da concentração
dos atos na matrícula, juntamente com os procedimentos de due diligence imobiliária,
contribui para a segurança jurídica e eficiência do mercado imobiliário, além de avaliar
o impacto das recentes alterações legislativas no tema.
The purpose of this study is to examine the principle of concentration of acts in the property registration, which is provided for in Law 13.097/15, and its impact on legal certainty and expeditiousness in the process of acquiring real estate in Brazil. The law establishes that legal situations related to the property that are not listed in the registration cannot be invoked against third parties in good faith. The study covers the different ways of acquiring real property, with emphasis on acquisition through title registration at the real estate registry office. The procedures for real estate due diligence are also analyzed, which consist of verifying the documentation related to the property and its owners. The importance of certain documents and certificates is highlighted to prove the good faith of the purchaser and mitigate the risks of execution fraud or fraud against creditors, which could lead to the annulment of the sale and loss of the acquired property. At the end of the study, the practical consequences of the principle of concentration of acts in the registration are analyzed to determine whether it can dispense with the presentation of property documents and certificates and those of its owners for a secure acquisition. Additionally, an analysis of the main changes brought about by Law 14.382/22 and its impact on real estate transactions is carried out. The overall objective of the study is to examine how the principle of concentration of acts in the property registration, together with the procedures for real estate due diligence, contributes to legal certainty and efficiency of the real estate market, as well as to evaluate the impact of recent legislative changes on the subject.
The purpose of this study is to examine the principle of concentration of acts in the property registration, which is provided for in Law 13.097/15, and its impact on legal certainty and expeditiousness in the process of acquiring real estate in Brazil. The law establishes that legal situations related to the property that are not listed in the registration cannot be invoked against third parties in good faith. The study covers the different ways of acquiring real property, with emphasis on acquisition through title registration at the real estate registry office. The procedures for real estate due diligence are also analyzed, which consist of verifying the documentation related to the property and its owners. The importance of certain documents and certificates is highlighted to prove the good faith of the purchaser and mitigate the risks of execution fraud or fraud against creditors, which could lead to the annulment of the sale and loss of the acquired property. At the end of the study, the practical consequences of the principle of concentration of acts in the registration are analyzed to determine whether it can dispense with the presentation of property documents and certificates and those of its owners for a secure acquisition. Additionally, an analysis of the main changes brought about by Law 14.382/22 and its impact on real estate transactions is carried out. The overall objective of the study is to examine how the principle of concentration of acts in the property registration, together with the procedures for real estate due diligence, contributes to legal certainty and efficiency of the real estate market, as well as to evaluate the impact of recent legislative changes on the subject.
princípio da concentração dos atos na matrícula , lei 13.097/15 , due diligence imobiliária , lei 14.382/22 , concentration of acts principle in the property registration , law 13.097/15 , real estate due diligence , law 14.382/22