Análise da compatibilidade do modelo de contrato de compra e venda de ações da CCI com o ordenamento jurídico brasileiro
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Laurito, Guilherme Cunha
Luís, Daniel Tavela
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Este trabalho estudará o modelo de contrato de compra e venda de ações elaborado pela Câmara de Comércio Internacional, notadamente em relação as suas cláusulas relativas à definição do preço, o mecanismo de ajuste do preço, a previsão de rescisão do contrato com base na ocorrência de eventos materiais adversos e, por fim, as restrições de non-compete e non-solicitation. O objetivo desta pesquisa é identificar se as cláusulas mencionadas acima são compatíveis com o ordenamento jurídico brasileiro, bem como propor soluções para sanar incompatibilidades identificadas. Isto será averiguado a partir de uma análise normativa e doutrinária relativa ao conteúdo destas cláusulas.
This research will study the share purchase agreement model prepared by the International Chamber of Commerce, notably in relation to its clauses regarding the definition of the price, the price adjustment mechanism, the provision of termination of the contract based on the occurrence of material adverse changes and, finally, the non-compete and non-solicitation restrictions. The objective of this research is to identify if the clauses mentioned above are compatible with the Brazilian legal system, as well as to propose solutions to remedy identified incompatibilities. This will be verified based on a normative and doctrinal analysis of the content of these clauses.
This research will study the share purchase agreement model prepared by the International Chamber of Commerce, notably in relation to its clauses regarding the definition of the price, the price adjustment mechanism, the provision of termination of the contract based on the occurrence of material adverse changes and, finally, the non-compete and non-solicitation restrictions. The objective of this research is to identify if the clauses mentioned above are compatible with the Brazilian legal system, as well as to propose solutions to remedy identified incompatibilities. This will be verified based on a normative and doctrinal analysis of the content of these clauses.
câmara de comércio internacional , contrato de compra e venda de ações , preço e ajuste de preço , cláusula MAC , international chamber of commerce , share purchase agreement , price and price adjustment , MAC clause