A possibilidade do aborto legal nos casos de stealthing
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Souza, Giovanna Dias de
Cury, Rogério Luis Adolfo
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Este estudo trata do tema stealthing, – termo derivado da tradução do inglês como
“furtivo” – nomenclatura nova dentro da doutrina jurídica, a qual não possui legislação
específica no Código Penal Brasileiro, mas tem tido uma maior repercussão dentro do
judiciário nos últimos tempos. A problemática da pesquisa consiste na carência de
legislação própria para defender as vítimas do tema discutido, sendo este, debatido,
superficialmente, pelos tribunais e doutrinadores, mas que apresenta consequências
de grande relevância para as vítimas mulheres. Como trata-se de uma temática
recente, a metodologia utilizada foi com base em pesquisas de textos jurídicos
nacionais e internacionais, artigos, legislação e jurisprudências a respeito do tema. O
objetivo central deste estudo é abordar e analisar sobre a efetiva criminalização do
stealthig, com intuito principal de verificar uma possibilidade jurídica legal para o
aborto, visto que o aborto legal é permitido para casos de gravidez provenientes do
estupro, porém, sem qualquer previsão legal quanto aos casos das vítimas do
This study deals with stealthing, a new term within legal doctrine, which does not have specific legislation in the Brazilian Penal Code, but has had a greater repercussion within the judiciary in recent times. The problem of this research consists of the lack of specific legislation to defend the victims of the theme discussed, which is superficially debated by the courts and legal scholars, but which has consequences of great relevance for the female victims. As this is a recent theme, the methodology used was based on research of national and international legal texts, articles, legislation, and jurisprudence on the subject. The main objective of this study is to approach and analyze the effective criminalization of stealthig, with the main purpose of verifying a legal possibility for abortion, since legal abortion is allowed for cases of pregnancy resulting from rape, however, without any legal provision for the cases of stealthig victims.
This study deals with stealthing, a new term within legal doctrine, which does not have specific legislation in the Brazilian Penal Code, but has had a greater repercussion within the judiciary in recent times. The problem of this research consists of the lack of specific legislation to defend the victims of the theme discussed, which is superficially debated by the courts and legal scholars, but which has consequences of great relevance for the female victims. As this is a recent theme, the methodology used was based on research of national and international legal texts, articles, legislation, and jurisprudence on the subject. The main objective of this study is to approach and analyze the effective criminalization of stealthig, with the main purpose of verifying a legal possibility for abortion, since legal abortion is allowed for cases of pregnancy resulting from rape, however, without any legal provision for the cases of stealthig victims.
stealthig , violência sexual , aborto legal , sexual violence , legal abortion