A exposição de adolescentes ao Instagram: os limites da responsabilização civil no direito brasileiro
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Dias, Gabriela Froio de Araujo
Alvim, Márcia Cristina de Souza
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As plataformas digitais são, atualmente, a principal fonte de lazer sedentário entre os
adolescentes. Diversos estudos têm demonstrado uma correlação entre o tempo gasto nas redes,
em especial o Instagram e aumento nos casos de depressão entre este público. Não somente este
tem sido um fator de preocupação, mas também a maior propensão à adoção de
comportamentos de risco, como exposição à álcool, drogas, fumígenos, atividade sexual
desprotegida, dentre outros. Há também a questão relacionada aos direitos da personalidade,
como por exemplo o Bullying, que tem tomado proporções gigantescas através do uso da
O tema da responsabilidade civil das plataformas por anos gerou bastante controvérsia
entre doutrinadores mesmo após o advento do Marco Civil da Internet. Conforme dispõe o
artigo 19 da referida Lei2, o provedor de aplicações de internet somente poderá ser
responsabilizado civilmente por danos decorrentes de conteúdo gerado por terceiros se, após
ordem judicial específica, não tomar as providências para tornar indisponível o conteúdo
apontado como infringente.
Ocorre que, os adolescentes são um grupo que se encontra em um estado particular de
desenvolvimento, o que provoca proteção especial, conferida pela Constituição Federal e pelo
Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente. Diante dessa proteção, há entendimento no sentido de
que a regulação do Marco Civil não deve prevalecer sobre o dever de proteção integral pela
Digital platforms are currently the main source of sedentary leisure among adolescents. Several studies have shown a correlation between time spent on networks, especially Instagram, and an increase in cases of depression among this audience. Not only has this been a worrying factor, but also the greater propensity to adopt risky behaviors, such as exposure to alcohol, drugs, tobacco, unprotected sexual activity, among others. There is also the issue related to personality rights, such as Bullying, which has taken on gigantic proportions through the use of the internet. The issue of civil liability of platforms for years generated a lot of controversy among scholars even after the advent of the “Marco Civil da Internet” law. Pursuant to article 19 of said Law, the provider of internet applications can only be held civilly liable for damages resulting from content generated by third parties if, after a specific court order, it does not take steps to make the content identified as infringing unavailable. It turns out that adolescents are a group that is in a particular state of development, which causes special protection, conferred by the “Constituição Federal” and the “Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente”. In view of this protection, there is an understanding that the regulation of the “Marco Civil” should not prevail over society's duty of full protection.
Digital platforms are currently the main source of sedentary leisure among adolescents. Several studies have shown a correlation between time spent on networks, especially Instagram, and an increase in cases of depression among this audience. Not only has this been a worrying factor, but also the greater propensity to adopt risky behaviors, such as exposure to alcohol, drugs, tobacco, unprotected sexual activity, among others. There is also the issue related to personality rights, such as Bullying, which has taken on gigantic proportions through the use of the internet. The issue of civil liability of platforms for years generated a lot of controversy among scholars even after the advent of the “Marco Civil da Internet” law. Pursuant to article 19 of said Law, the provider of internet applications can only be held civilly liable for damages resulting from content generated by third parties if, after a specific court order, it does not take steps to make the content identified as infringing unavailable. It turns out that adolescents are a group that is in a particular state of development, which causes special protection, conferred by the “Constituição Federal” and the “Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente”. In view of this protection, there is an understanding that the regulation of the “Marco Civil” should not prevail over society's duty of full protection.
responsabilidade civil no direito brasileiro , Instagram , adolescentes , civil responsability in Brazilian law , teenagers