Tributação e regulamentação de criptoativos sob a ótica da jurisdição brasileira
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Santos, Diogilis Kaic Jacob
Medeiros, Edmundo Emerson de
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Membros da banca
O presente artigo científico discute a tributação de criptoativos, principalmente o Ethereum e Bitcoin, no Imposto de Renda de Pessoa Física. O Direito Tributário brasileiro enfrenta o desafio de regular as criptomoedas, o que tem sido objeto de debate na esfera jurídica e acadêmica. Busca-se com este estudo realizar uma análise para compreender a regulamentação destes ativos e suas implicações jurídicas. O trabalho examina alternativas para aliar regulação e fiscalização estatal, a fim de evitar fraudes e assegurar a segurança jurídica nos negócios envolvendo criptomoedas. Para sua concretização, foi realizada uma pesquisa bibliográfica e qualitativa com expoentes do mercado, através de artigos on-line, e entrevistas de profissionais do mercado.
This scientific article discusses the taxation of crypto assets, mainly Ethereum and Bitcoin, in the Brazilian Personal Income Tax. The Brazilian Tax Law faces the challenge of regulating cryptocurrencies, which has been the subject of debate in the legal and academic spheres. This study aims to analyze the regulation of these assets and their legal implications. The work examines alternatives to combine state regulation and supervision to prevent fraud and ensure legal security in cryptocurrency transactions. To achieve this, a bibliographic and qualitative research was conducted with market experts, through online articles and interviews with market professionals.
This scientific article discusses the taxation of crypto assets, mainly Ethereum and Bitcoin, in the Brazilian Personal Income Tax. The Brazilian Tax Law faces the challenge of regulating cryptocurrencies, which has been the subject of debate in the legal and academic spheres. This study aims to analyze the regulation of these assets and their legal implications. The work examines alternatives to combine state regulation and supervision to prevent fraud and ensure legal security in cryptocurrency transactions. To achieve this, a bibliographic and qualitative research was conducted with market experts, through online articles and interviews with market professionals.
criptoativos , ethereum , bitcoin , regulação , fiscalização , segurança jurídica , crypto assets , regulation