Os limites da responsabilidade patrimonial no processo de execução
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Silva, Fernanda de Oliveira
Fernandes, Luis Eduardo Simardi
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O presente artigo em questão trata da responsabilidade patrimonial no processo de execução. Para isso, foram realizadas pesquisas bibliográficas e jurisprudenciais, a fim de identificar as principais questões relacionadas ao tema, entre elas a penhora, a desconsideração da personalidade jurídica, além de análise aprofundada do ordenamento que rege a temática, bem como os princípios basilares que regem esta relação entre credor e devedor. O trabalho destaca ainda os limites da responsabilidade patrimonial e a busca pelo equilíbrio de direitos e deveres entre as partes.
This article in question deals with patrimonial responsibility in the execution process. For this, bibliographical and jurisprudential research was carried out, in order to identify the main issues related to the subject, among them the attachment, the disregard of the legal entity, in addition to an in-depth analysis of the legal system that governs the theme, as well as the basic principles that govern this relationship between creditor and debtor. The work also highlights the limits of patrimonial responsibility and the search for a balance of rights and duties between the parties.
This article in question deals with patrimonial responsibility in the execution process. For this, bibliographical and jurisprudential research was carried out, in order to identify the main issues related to the subject, among them the attachment, the disregard of the legal entity, in addition to an in-depth analysis of the legal system that governs the theme, as well as the basic principles that govern this relationship between creditor and debtor. The work also highlights the limits of patrimonial responsibility and the search for a balance of rights and duties between the parties.
responsabilidade patrimonial , processo de execução , penhora , heritage liability , execution process , garnishment