Escravidão e direito: ações de liberdade no Brasil imperial
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Florim, Bruna Galli da Silva Prado
Vellozo, Júlio César de Oliveira
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Este trabalho tem como objetivo analisar como ocorreu o processo de
reconhecimento de um pequeno número de escravos como libertos, através de uma análise
histórico-jurídica das ações de liberdade no Brasil Império. Para tanto, será examinado o
papel do Poder Judiciário e das legislações relacionadas ao tema, além da relevância das ações
de liberdade como estratégia do movimento abolicionista. Serão discutidos os tipos de ação de
liberdade e o papel dos curadores e do procurador da coroa no Brasil oitocentista. A temática
central deste trabalho apresenta um importante aspecto sobre a história do direito civil
brasileiro, o qual gerou valiosos estudos entre renomados historiadores, e geralmente, pouco
explorado no campo jurídico. Será realizada uma reflexão sobre as condições sociais, políticas
e, principalmente jurídicas dos escravos no país por meio de uma metodologia qualitativa com
base em pesquisas bibliográficas.
This work aims to analyze how the process of recognizing a small number of slaves as freed occurred, through a historical-legal analysis of freedom lawsuits in Imperial Brazil. To do so, the role of the Judiciary and laws related to the subject will be examined, as well as the relevance of freedom lawsuits as a strategy of the abolitionist movement. The types of freedom lawsuits and the role of guardians and the crown prosecutor in nineteenth-century Brazil will be discussed. The central theme of this work presents an important aspect of the history of Brazilian civil law, which has generated valuable studies among renowned historians, and is generally little explored in the legal field. A reflection on the social, political, and mainly legal conditions of slaves in the country will be carried out through a qualitative methodology based on bibliographic research.
This work aims to analyze how the process of recognizing a small number of slaves as freed occurred, through a historical-legal analysis of freedom lawsuits in Imperial Brazil. To do so, the role of the Judiciary and laws related to the subject will be examined, as well as the relevance of freedom lawsuits as a strategy of the abolitionist movement. The types of freedom lawsuits and the role of guardians and the crown prosecutor in nineteenth-century Brazil will be discussed. The central theme of this work presents an important aspect of the history of Brazilian civil law, which has generated valuable studies among renowned historians, and is generally little explored in the legal field. A reflection on the social, political, and mainly legal conditions of slaves in the country will be carried out through a qualitative methodology based on bibliographic research.
escravatura , ações de liberdade , Brasil império , poder judiciário , slavery , freedom lawsuits , Brazilian empire , judiciary