Da necessidade de regulamentação específica para apostas esportivas em plataformas digitais no Brasil
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Diedrich, Anna Beatrice
Bruno, Reinaldo Moreira
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O presente artigo científico tem por objetivo principal discorrer sobre a importância e a necessidade de regulamentação específica para as apostas esportivas no Brasil, demonstrando os benefícios em regulamentar tal atividade no território brasileiro, bem como os seus eventuais prejuízos em caso de não aceitação dessa regulamentação. De forma que será realizada uma análise aprofundada, por meio interdisciplinar, que passa pelo Direito Constitucional, Direito Desportivo, Direito Internacional, Direito Tributário, Direito Penal e Direito Contratual. Além disso, demonstrar-se-á as brechas jurídicas que as casas de apostas esportivas utilizam-se para atuarem frente aos apostadores brasileiros enquanto a regulamentação específica não se faz presente.
The main purpose of this scientific article is to discuss the importance and need for specific regulation for sports betting in Brazil, demonstrating the benefits of regulating such activity in the Brazilian territory, as well as its possible losses in case of non-acceptance of such regulation. In this way, an in-depth analysis will be made, by means of an interdisciplinary approach that includes Constitutional Law, Sports Law, International Law, Tax Law, Criminal Law, and Contractual Law. In addition, it will be shown the legal loopholes that sportsbooks use to act against Brazilian bettors while the specific regulation is not present.
The main purpose of this scientific article is to discuss the importance and need for specific regulation for sports betting in Brazil, demonstrating the benefits of regulating such activity in the Brazilian territory, as well as its possible losses in case of non-acceptance of such regulation. In this way, an in-depth analysis will be made, by means of an interdisciplinary approach that includes Constitutional Law, Sports Law, International Law, Tax Law, Criminal Law, and Contractual Law. In addition, it will be shown the legal loopholes that sportsbooks use to act against Brazilian bettors while the specific regulation is not present.
apostas esportivas , direito desportivo , legislação regulatória , artigo científico , sports betting , sports law , regulatory legislation , scientific article