O reflexo social da aplicação do acordo de não persecução penal
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Camargo, Alane Maria Nunes de
Petean, Fabiano Augusto
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Este trabalho aborda a introdução do acordo de não persecução penal (ANPP) no sistema penal brasileiro por meio da Lei 13.964/19, conhecida como “Pacote Anticrime”. O ANPP é um instituto despenalizador aplicado em delitos de menor gravidade que não envolvem violência ou grave ameaça. A sua proposta é mitigar o princípio da ação penal pública incondicionada, permitindo que o aplicador da lei não inicie a ação penal, desde que sejam cumpridos determinados requisitos e condições. O artigo se divide em três partes: a primeira faz um estudo do histórico dos institutos despenalizadores no Direito Penal brasileiro e explica as características e aplicação do ANPP; a segunda analisa o impacto das medidas despenalizadoras no processo penal e no indivíduo; e a terceira aborda os efeitos da aplicação do ANPP na sociedade e questiona se é a medida mais adequada. A metodologia utilizada foi a dedutiva por meio da técnica de revisão bibliográfica em doutrinas, artigos e leis para compreender os efeitos e reflexos que o ANPP trouxe ao Direito Penal brasileiro, à sociedade e ao indivíduo. Como o instituto é recente, ainda não há muitos resultados concretos para medir os seus efeitos e reflexos, e, portanto, o artigo não pretende esgotar o tema.
This paper addresses the introduction of the non-prosecution agreement (ANPP) into the Brazilian criminal justice system through Law 13,964/19, known as the "Anti-crime Package". The ANPP is a depenalizing institute applied in minor offenses that do not involve violence or serious threat. Its proposal is to mitigate the principle of unconditioned public criminal action, allowing the enforcer of the law not to initiate criminal action, provided that certain requirements and conditions are met. The article is divided into three parts: the first part makes a study of the history of the depenalizing institutes in Brazilian Criminal Law and explains the characteristics and application of the ANPP; the second part analyzes the impact of the depenalizing measures on the criminal procedure and on the individual; and the third part addresses the effects of the application of the ANPP on society and questions whether it is the most appropriate measure. The methodology used was deductive through the technique of literature review in doctrines, articles and laws to understand the effects and reflections that the ANPP brought to Brazilian Criminal Law, society and the individual. As the institute is recent, there are still not many concrete results to measure its effects and reflexes, and therefore the article does not intend to exhaust the subject.
This paper addresses the introduction of the non-prosecution agreement (ANPP) into the Brazilian criminal justice system through Law 13,964/19, known as the "Anti-crime Package". The ANPP is a depenalizing institute applied in minor offenses that do not involve violence or serious threat. Its proposal is to mitigate the principle of unconditioned public criminal action, allowing the enforcer of the law not to initiate criminal action, provided that certain requirements and conditions are met. The article is divided into three parts: the first part makes a study of the history of the depenalizing institutes in Brazilian Criminal Law and explains the characteristics and application of the ANPP; the second part analyzes the impact of the depenalizing measures on the criminal procedure and on the individual; and the third part addresses the effects of the application of the ANPP on society and questions whether it is the most appropriate measure. The methodology used was deductive through the technique of literature review in doctrines, articles and laws to understand the effects and reflections that the ANPP brought to Brazilian Criminal Law, society and the individual. As the institute is recent, there are still not many concrete results to measure its effects and reflexes, and therefore the article does not intend to exhaust the subject.
acordo de não persecução penal , institutos despenalizadores , impacto das medidas despenalizadoras , justiça penal negociada , non-prosecution agreement , decriminalization institutes , impact of decriminalization measures , negotiated criminal justice