(Im) possibilidade de dupla paternidade no registro civil
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Liba, Renan Bento
Alvim, Márcia Cristina de Souza
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O objetivo do presente artigo é abordar a possibilidade, ou não, de dupla paternidade
no registro civil que, conforme julgado dotado de repercussão geral do Superior Tribunal
Federal (STF), prevê a possibilidade de se possuir o nome tanto do pai biológico quanto do
socioafetivo no registro civil de uma pessoa. Vislumbrando se há diferenças em relação ao
registro civil de dupla paternidade quando se tem uma família com casal homoafetivo e quando
se tem pais biológicos e socioafetivos. Além disso, haverá o estudo das novas variações de
família e sua comparação em relação ao conceito de família disposto no Código Civil de 2002,
para se compreender como as mudanças se deram e por que, para se ter a sociedade atual.
The purpose of this article is to address the possibility, or not, of dual paternity in the civil registry which, as judged with general repercussions by the Federal Superior Court (STF), provides the possibility of having the name of both the biological and socio-affective fathers in the person's civil registry. Glimpsing if there are differences regarding to the civil registration of dual paternity when dealing with the case of a homoaffective couple or with biological and socio-affective parents. In addition, there will be a study of the new variations of family and their comparison regarding to the concept of family provided by the Civil Code of 2002, to understand how the changes took place and why, in the current society.
The purpose of this article is to address the possibility, or not, of dual paternity in the civil registry which, as judged with general repercussions by the Federal Superior Court (STF), provides the possibility of having the name of both the biological and socio-affective fathers in the person's civil registry. Glimpsing if there are differences regarding to the civil registration of dual paternity when dealing with the case of a homoaffective couple or with biological and socio-affective parents. In addition, there will be a study of the new variations of family and their comparison regarding to the concept of family provided by the Civil Code of 2002, to understand how the changes took place and why, in the current society.
dupla paternidade no registro civil , socioafetivo , homoafetivo , dual paternity in te civil registry , socio-affective , homoaffective