Alienação parental: a legislação brasileira e a proteção das crianças e adolescentes
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Faria, Raphael Sarno Mattos
Alvim, Márcia Cristina de Souza
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O presente artigo tem como objetivo estudar o histórico do Direito e da Psicologia a fim de
compreender o fenômeno da Alienação Parental. São abordados os conceitos, leis já revogadas
ou ainda vigentes e estudos feitos ao decorrer dos anos que buscaram destrinchar as práticas
abusivas concernentes à temática. A Alienação Parental é um assunto de relevância social, por
se tratar de um abuso psicológico com sequelas irreversíveis para a criança ou o adolescente
vítima de tais atos. Deste modo, compreende-se como sendo de extrema importância abordar o
assunto, com a finalidade de aprofundar-se mediante ao método indutivo através de fontes
bibliográficas e jurisprudências que registrem esse tema. No decorrer dos capítulos, é
apresentada a evolução legislativa de conceitos fundamentais no Direito de Família e no
combate à alienação, além de tratar da guarda das crianças e da Lei de Alienação Parental,
promulgada somente na última década, mas que já possui grande influência no campo. A
pesquisa foca na conceituação da Alienação Parental e suas origens históricas, seguida de
aspectos jurídicos que envolvem o tema e seus reflexos sociais.
This article studies the history of Law and Psychology, aiming to understand the phenomenon of Parental Alienation. Therefore, it is addressed the concepts, laws repealed or still in force, and studies made over the years that sought to unravel abusive practices will be addressed. Parental Alienation is a matter of social relevance since it is a psychological abuse with irreversible effects in the children or adolescent victims of such acts. Thus, the subject is extremely important, intending to deepen through the inductive method using bibliographic sources and jurisprudence that record the debate on the theme. During the chapters, it is presented the legislative evolution of fundamental concepts in Family Law and in the oppose to alienation. In addition, it is discussed the children custody and the Law of Parental Alienation — promulgated in the last decade, but which already has great influence on the subject. The research focuses on the definition of Parental Alienation and its historical origins, followed by legal aspects that involve the theme and its social consequences.
This article studies the history of Law and Psychology, aiming to understand the phenomenon of Parental Alienation. Therefore, it is addressed the concepts, laws repealed or still in force, and studies made over the years that sought to unravel abusive practices will be addressed. Parental Alienation is a matter of social relevance since it is a psychological abuse with irreversible effects in the children or adolescent victims of such acts. Thus, the subject is extremely important, intending to deepen through the inductive method using bibliographic sources and jurisprudence that record the debate on the theme. During the chapters, it is presented the legislative evolution of fundamental concepts in Family Law and in the oppose to alienation. In addition, it is discussed the children custody and the Law of Parental Alienation — promulgated in the last decade, but which already has great influence on the subject. The research focuses on the definition of Parental Alienation and its historical origins, followed by legal aspects that involve the theme and its social consequences.
afeto , alienação parental , divórcio , affection , parental alienation , divorce