Aspectos penais envolvendo a gestação de substituição e o crime de infanticídio: tipicidade formal da parturiente
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Pilon, Pedro Teixeira
Melo, Diogo Leonardo Machado De
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O presente trabalho tem como objetivo geral promover o debate sobre a tipicidade formal do crime de infanticídio nos casos de gestação de substituição, uma vez que o mencionado delito utiliza o termo “o próprio filho” para referir-se ao agente passivo, o que, a princípio, contradiz a lógica do procedimento e da Resolução, já que a criança constitui filiação com os pais pacientes e não com a parturiente. Para tanto, foi apresentado o cenário normativo e a discussão acadêmica envolvendo a legalidade da gestação de substituição. Posteriormente, analisamos o crime de infanticídio, a fim de compreender o termo “o próprio filho” sob diversos aspectos.
The present work has the general objective to promote the debate on the formality of the crime of infanticide in cases of surrogacy, since the aforementioned crime uses the term “the own child” to refer to the passive agent, which, at first, it contradicts the logic of the procedure and the Resolution, since the child constitutes an affiliation with the patient parents and not with the parturient. For that, the normative scenario and the academic discussion involving the legality of surrogacy were presented. Subsequently, we analyzed the crime of infanticide, in order to understand the term “the own child” in several aspects.
The present work has the general objective to promote the debate on the formality of the crime of infanticide in cases of surrogacy, since the aforementioned crime uses the term “the own child” to refer to the passive agent, which, at first, it contradicts the logic of the procedure and the Resolution, since the child constitutes an affiliation with the patient parents and not with the parturient. For that, the normative scenario and the academic discussion involving the legality of surrogacy were presented. Subsequently, we analyzed the crime of infanticide, in order to understand the term “the own child” in several aspects.
gesta de substituição , parturiente , dignidade da pessoa humana , replacement gesture , parturient , dignity of the human person