Backlog de patentes e o ordenamento jurídico brasileiro: as mudanças trazidas pelo julgamento da ADI 5.529, pelo Supremo Tribunal Federal, e as patentes farmacêuticas
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Sousa, Larissa Natalia Cavaletti
Lima, Cinira Gomes
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O presente trabalho visa analisar as mudanças trazidas pelo julgamento da Ação Direta de
Inconstitucionalidade n. 5.529, pelo Supremo Tribunal Federal e as patentes farmacêuticas,
principalmente no tocante ao acesso à saúde e investimento em pesquisa e desenvolvimento na
área da saúde. Tal discussão mostra-se pertinente na medida em que a extensão do prazo de
vigência das patentes, propiciado pelo parágrafo único, do art. 40, da Lei 9.729/96, dispositivo
o qual foi declarado inconstitucional pelo referido julgamento, retarda o acesso à medicamentos
genéricos e desestimula o investimento em pesquisa e desenvolvimento no Brasil, de modo a
retardar o acesso à saúde. Para a elaboração do presente trabalho foi utilizado o mérito
qualitativo, analisando-se a Ação Direta de Constitucionalidade 5.529, destrinchando os
argumentos trazidos por cada um dos Ministros do Supremo Tribunal Federal, e a legislação
brasileira, com enfoque na Lei 9.279/96 e na Constituição Federal, e em uma abordagem
internacional, o acordo TRIPS, além do levantamento de dados bibliográficos, mostrando como
diversos autores colocam-se perante o assunto.
The present paper aims to analyse the changes brought by the judgment of the Direct Action of Unconstitucionality number 5.529, by the Supreme Federal Court and the pharmaceutical patents, especially when it comes to acess to health and investment in research and development in the health field. This discussion is relevant as far as the extension of the patent term, provided by the sole paragraf of Article 40, of the Law 9.279/96, wich was declared unconstitucional by the mentioned judgment, delays access to generic drugs and discourages investment in research and development in Brazil, in such a way as to delay acess to health. To elaborate the present work, the qualitative method was used, analysing the Direct Action of Unconstitucionality number 5.529, unraveling the arguments brought by each one of the Supreme Federal Cort’s Ministers, and the brasilian legislation, focused on the Law 9.279/96 and the Federal Constitution, and, in a international approach, the TRIPS agrément, besides the bibliographic data collection, showing how various authors have placed themselves before the subject.
The present paper aims to analyse the changes brought by the judgment of the Direct Action of Unconstitucionality number 5.529, by the Supreme Federal Court and the pharmaceutical patents, especially when it comes to acess to health and investment in research and development in the health field. This discussion is relevant as far as the extension of the patent term, provided by the sole paragraf of Article 40, of the Law 9.279/96, wich was declared unconstitucional by the mentioned judgment, delays access to generic drugs and discourages investment in research and development in Brazil, in such a way as to delay acess to health. To elaborate the present work, the qualitative method was used, analysing the Direct Action of Unconstitucionality number 5.529, unraveling the arguments brought by each one of the Supreme Federal Cort’s Ministers, and the brasilian legislation, focused on the Law 9.279/96 and the Federal Constitution, and, in a international approach, the TRIPS agrément, besides the bibliographic data collection, showing how various authors have placed themselves before the subject.
patentes , medicamentos , vigência , patents , medications , validity