Crimes de omissão imprópria na jurisprudência dos tribunais superiores
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Morais, Joao Victor Macêdo de
Brito, Alexis Augusto Couto de
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O presente trabalho busca investigar como a jurisprudência do Superior Tribunal de Justiça e do Supremo Tribunal Federal tem tratado a matéria dos crimes omissivos impróprios, especialmente em relação à sua tipicidade objetiva. Para tanto, parte-se de uma breve introdução às modernas bases dogmáticas dos delitos de omissão imprópria, analisando a sua estrutura típica objetiva e os seus principais fundamentos de acordo com a doutrina especializada e o ordenamento jurídico brasileiro. Com isso, passa-se à análise crítica e empírica de 63 acórdãos jurisprudenciais dos Tribunais Superiores, com vistas a identificar a maneira como os elementos do tipo objetivo da omissão imprópria são interpretados e aplicados pelos julgadores nos casos concretos. Conclui-se que as Cortes Superiores ainda não incorporaram em seus julgamentos as modernas razões dogmáticas dos delitos de omissão imprópria, sobretudo em relação aos fundamentos materiais da posição de garantidor, restringindo-se, na maioria dos casos, à investigação do nexo de causalidade e das fontes formais do dever especial de agir para evitar o resultado, o que acaba por contribuir para a indevida admissão de acusações e condenações lastreadas na responsabilização penal objetiva.
The present work investigates how the jurisprudence of the Superior Court of Justice and the Federal Supreme Court has dealt with the improper omissive crimes, especially in relation to its objective legal form configuration. Therefore, it starts with a brief introduction to the modern dogmatic bases of the improper omissive crimes, analyzing its objective legal structure and its main foundations according to the specialized doctrine and the Brazilian legal system. With this, we proceed to a critical and empirical analysis of 63 jurisprudential judgments of the Superior Courts, in order to identify the way in which the elements of the objective legal form of improper omission are interpreted and applied by the judges in concrete cases. It is concluded that the Superior Courts have not yet incorporated into their judgments the modern dogmatic reasons for the improper omissive crimes, especially in relation to the material foundations of the guarantor position, limiting themselves, in most cases, to the investigation of the causal link between the result and the omission, as well as to the formal sources of the special duty to act to avoid the result, which ends up contributing to the wrong admission of accusations and convictions based on objective criminal liability.
The present work investigates how the jurisprudence of the Superior Court of Justice and the Federal Supreme Court has dealt with the improper omissive crimes, especially in relation to its objective legal form configuration. Therefore, it starts with a brief introduction to the modern dogmatic bases of the improper omissive crimes, analyzing its objective legal structure and its main foundations according to the specialized doctrine and the Brazilian legal system. With this, we proceed to a critical and empirical analysis of 63 jurisprudential judgments of the Superior Courts, in order to identify the way in which the elements of the objective legal form of improper omission are interpreted and applied by the judges in concrete cases. It is concluded that the Superior Courts have not yet incorporated into their judgments the modern dogmatic reasons for the improper omissive crimes, especially in relation to the material foundations of the guarantor position, limiting themselves, in most cases, to the investigation of the causal link between the result and the omission, as well as to the formal sources of the special duty to act to avoid the result, which ends up contributing to the wrong admission of accusations and convictions based on objective criminal liability.
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crimes de omissão imprópria , posição de garantidor , jurisprudência , improper omissive crimes , guarantor position , jurisprudence