Cláusulas abusivas nos contratos de adesão: métodos de cessação
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Melo, Gustavo Antonio Miqueri de
Pinto, Felipe Chiarello De Souza
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Membros da banca
O trabalho teve como objetivo mostrar à sociedade de consumo, juristas e
pesquisadores do tema a importância de estudar o que pode ser uma cláusula ilícita no
contrato de adesão, bem como os princípios que regulam as esferas constitucional, civil e de
consumo. O maior interesse em escrever sobre esse tema, apesar de amplo e complexo,
representará o caminho e a visão que os tribunais, regulamentações, leis têm sobre esse tema,
deixando por vezes ao consumidor a responsabilidade de aceitar o ônus do contrato, que tem
como principal característica - a unilateralidade. Qual o problema que está sendo abordado no
desempenho do trabalho e o que motiva o consumidor de baixa renda a aceitar essas
disposições ofensivas? Mostrando também como propósito geral para a sociedade o consumo
de pesquisas sobre cláusulas abusivas na perspectiva dos contratos adesivos, enfatizando os
princípios que norteiam o debate. O trabalho também mostra quais os procedimentos que o
consumidor deve aplicar em juízo nas autoridades judiciárias ou competentes, os princípios
que serão utilizados, as consequências que essas cláusulas podem causar neste contrato de
adesão, os mecanismos que serão utilizados, se é uma modificação ou invalidade do contrato,
e também requisitos que devem constar de cláusulas abusivas no acordo de adesão. Foi
utilizada a metodologia de compilação ou pesquisa bibliográfica.
The work aimed to show consumer society, jurists and researchers the importance of studying what can be an illegal clause in the adhesion contract, as well as the principles that regulate the constitutional, civil and consumer spheres. The greatest interest in writing about this topic, despite being broad and complex, will represent the path and vision that the courts, regulations, laws have on this topic, sometimes leaving the consumer the responsibility of accepting the burden of the contract, which has the main feature - one-sidedness. What problem is being addressed in job performance and what motivates low-income consumers to accept these offensive provisions? Also showing as a general purpose for society the consumption of research on abusive clauses from the perspective of adhesive contracts, emphasizing the principles that guide the debate. The work also shows what procedures the consumer must apply in court in the judicial or competent authorities, the principles that will be used, the consequences that these clauses can cause in this adhesion contract, the mechanisms that will be used, if it is a modification or invalidity of the contract, and also requirements that must be included in abusive clauses in the adhesion agreement. The methodology of compilation or bibliographic research was used.
The work aimed to show consumer society, jurists and researchers the importance of studying what can be an illegal clause in the adhesion contract, as well as the principles that regulate the constitutional, civil and consumer spheres. The greatest interest in writing about this topic, despite being broad and complex, will represent the path and vision that the courts, regulations, laws have on this topic, sometimes leaving the consumer the responsibility of accepting the burden of the contract, which has the main feature - one-sidedness. What problem is being addressed in job performance and what motivates low-income consumers to accept these offensive provisions? Also showing as a general purpose for society the consumption of research on abusive clauses from the perspective of adhesive contracts, emphasizing the principles that guide the debate. The work also shows what procedures the consumer must apply in court in the judicial or competent authorities, the principles that will be used, the consequences that these clauses can cause in this adhesion contract, the mechanisms that will be used, if it is a modification or invalidity of the contract, and also requirements that must be included in abusive clauses in the adhesion agreement. The methodology of compilation or bibliographic research was used.
consumidor , cláusula abusiva , contrato de adesão , consumer , abusive clause , adhesion contract