Os influenciadores digitais e a previsão legislativa quanto à responsabilidade civil da publicidade enganosa
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Merzian, Geovanna Simão
Giancoli, Brunno Pandori
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O presente trabalho busca analisar o que a legislação, notadamente o Código de
Defesa do Consumidor, prevê em relação à responsabilidade civil diante de práticas
publicitárias enganosas e abusivas dentro do contexto das redes sociais. Para tanto, o presente
estudo nos leva a conhecer o contexto profissional dos Influenciadores Digitais como figuras
cada vez mais influentes na publicidade brasileira, bem como as práticas publicitárias desses
influenciadores e como elas podem induzir o consumidor ao erro. Seguindo esse objetivo, será
utilizada uma base teórica apta a esclarecer e delimitar os princípios e direitos que norteiam o
consumidor, derivados de uma evolução histórica e legislativa diante dos resultados das práticas
consumeristas da sociedade. A partir dessa delimitação dos instrumentos legais e princípios de
proteção e defesa do consumidor, analisa-se as práticas abusivas e enganosas frequentes na
publicidade praticada pelos influenciadores digitais para então se averiguar qual a
responsabilidade civil aplicada nesse contexto sensível que se apresenta a partir de uma
profissão tão nova e ainda tão carente de regulamentação como é o caso destes influenciadores.
This paper seeks to analyze what the legislation, nod. To this end, this study leads us to know the professional context of Digital Influencers as increasingly influential figures in Brazilian advertising, as well as the advertising practices of these influencers and how they can induce the consumer to error. Following this objective, a theoretical basis will be used to clarify and delimit the principles and rights that guide the consumer, derived from a historical and legislative evolution in view of the results of consumer practices of society. Based on this delimitation of legal instruments and principles of consumer protection and protection, we analyze frequent abusive and deceptive practices in advertising practiced by digital influencers, and then to determine what civil liability is applied in this sensitive context that is presented from such a new profession and still as lacking in regulation as is the case of these influencers.
This paper seeks to analyze what the legislation, nod. To this end, this study leads us to know the professional context of Digital Influencers as increasingly influential figures in Brazilian advertising, as well as the advertising practices of these influencers and how they can induce the consumer to error. Following this objective, a theoretical basis will be used to clarify and delimit the principles and rights that guide the consumer, derived from a historical and legislative evolution in view of the results of consumer practices of society. Based on this delimitation of legal instruments and principles of consumer protection and protection, we analyze frequent abusive and deceptive practices in advertising practiced by digital influencers, and then to determine what civil liability is applied in this sensitive context that is presented from such a new profession and still as lacking in regulation as is the case of these influencers.
influenciador digital , responsabilidade , publicidade enganosa , digital influencer , responsibility , abusive advertising