A natureza jurídica do animal doméstico no direito brasileiro: compra e venda de animal com doença preexistente
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Vapsys, Gabriella Cristine Escudero
Ariente, Eduardo Altomare
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A atual condição animal no ordenamento jurídico brasileiro foi construída após séculos de discussões filosóficas acerca do status moral dos animais. Ainda assim, às vezes a sua inserção no âmbito civil se dá de forma turbulenta, com divergências de pensamentos e de decisões jurídicas. Tendo em vista isso, o presente trabalho tem como objetivo analisar a natureza jurídica dos animais no ordenamento brasileiro, especialmente dos animais domésticos, e verificar sua relação com o direito do consumidor e o direito civil. Será abordada a problemática da compra e venda de animais com doença preexistente, analisando os aspectos morais e jurídicos, tendo como base as ideias dos principais pensadores da ética animal versus a tratativa jurídica desse tema hoje.
The current animal condition in the Brazilian legal system was built after centuries of philosophical discussions about the moral status of animals. Even so, sometimes their insertion in the civil sphere takes place in a turbulent way, with divergences of thoughts and legal decisions. Therefore, this work aims to analyze the legal nature of animals in the Brazilian legal system, especially domestic animals, and to verify their relationship with consumer law and civil law. The problem of buying and selling animals with pre-existing disease will be addressed, analyzing the moral and legal aspects, based on the ideas of the main thinkers of animal ethics versus the legal treatment of this topic today.
The current animal condition in the Brazilian legal system was built after centuries of philosophical discussions about the moral status of animals. Even so, sometimes their insertion in the civil sphere takes place in a turbulent way, with divergences of thoughts and legal decisions. Therefore, this work aims to analyze the legal nature of animals in the Brazilian legal system, especially domestic animals, and to verify their relationship with consumer law and civil law. The problem of buying and selling animals with pre-existing disease will be addressed, analyzing the moral and legal aspects, based on the ideas of the main thinkers of animal ethics versus the legal treatment of this topic today.
animais , direito do consumidor , compra e venda de animais com doença preexistente , animals , consumer law , purchase and sale of animal with preexisting disease