A relativização do princípio da reciprocidade alimentar em caso de abandono do genitor sobre a prole
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Luna, Gabriela Berard Quintella
Theophilo Neto, Nuncio
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O presente artigo busca analisar a possibilidade de relativização do princípio da reciprocidade
alimentar nos casos em que há a prática de abandono por parte do genitor sobre o filho. Nesse
sentido, com o intuito de certificar tal possibilidade, utiliza-se o método dedutivo de
abordagem, valendo como fonte de pesquisa a doutrina, a legislação e a jurisprudência
brasileira. Inicialmente, será feita uma análise geral dos princípios basilares do direito de
família e sua relação com a prestação de alimentos. Em seguida, serão tratados os aspectos
referentes à obrigação alimentar. Por fim, através da jurisprudência atual, bem como de uma
abordagem precisa e objetiva acerca dos conceitos e características referentes ao abandono,
concluir-se-á pela não obrigatoriedade de prestação de alimentos nessa hipótese.
The present article seeks to analyze the possibility of relativization of the principle of reciprocal maintenance in cases where there is the practice of abandonment by the genitor over the child. In this sense, in order to certify such possibility, it will be used the deductive method of approach, using as source of research the doctrine, the legislation and the Brazilian jurisprudence. Initially, a general analysis of the basic principles of family law and its relationship with maintenance obligation will be made. In addition, it will be examined the aspects of maintenance obligation. Finally, through the current jurisprudence, as well as a precise and objective approach about the concepts and characteristics related to abandonment, it will be concluded for the non obligatoriness of maintenance in this hypothesis.
The present article seeks to analyze the possibility of relativization of the principle of reciprocal maintenance in cases where there is the practice of abandonment by the genitor over the child. In this sense, in order to certify such possibility, it will be used the deductive method of approach, using as source of research the doctrine, the legislation and the Brazilian jurisprudence. Initially, a general analysis of the basic principles of family law and its relationship with maintenance obligation will be made. In addition, it will be examined the aspects of maintenance obligation. Finally, through the current jurisprudence, as well as a precise and objective approach about the concepts and characteristics related to abandonment, it will be concluded for the non obligatoriness of maintenance in this hypothesis.
direito de família , obrigação alimentar , abandono , family law , maintenance , abandonment