Responsabilidade civil ambiental por mudanças climáticas
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Oliveira, Camila Pelafsky de Almeida
Oliveira, José Do Carmo Veiga De
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O presente trabalho tem por objeto a análise de riscos ambientais advindos das
mudanças climáticas, além de mostrar a responsabilidade civil daqueles que possam causar
poluição ao meio ambiente através da emissão de gases de efeito estufa, bem como as formas
de prevenção e ações judiciais que permitem a reparação, através da responsabilidade civil
ambiental, encontrando amparo na proteção ao meio ambiente ecologicamente equilibrado,
conforme definido na Constituição da República Federativa do Brasil de 1988, assim como no
dever imposto ao poder público e à sociedade de prezar por seu equilíbrio. O objetivo do
trabalho será analisar a responsabilidade civil ambiental por mudanças climáticas,
principalmente para o atingimento de metas ambientais e de mudanças climáticas aferidas nas
conferências sobre o tema em questão, utilizando da reparação civil como chave para a
utilização dos recursos advindos de empresas poluidoras perdedoras de ações judiciais, para o
combate e a prevenção de danos ambientais.
The present work aims at the analysis of environmental risks arising from climate change, in addition to showing the civil liability of those who cause pollution to the environment through the emission of greenhouse gases, as well as the forms of prevention and lawsuits that allow reparation, through environmental liability, finding support in the protection of the ecologically balanced environment as defined in the Constitution of the Federative Republic of Brazil 1988, as well as the duty imposed on the government and society to appreciate its balance. The objective of the work will be to analyze environmental civil liability for climate change, mainly for the achievement of environmental and climate change targets measured at climate change conferences, using civil reparation as a key to use these resources, coming from polluting companies that are losing lawsuits, to combat and prevent environmental damage.
The present work aims at the analysis of environmental risks arising from climate change, in addition to showing the civil liability of those who cause pollution to the environment through the emission of greenhouse gases, as well as the forms of prevention and lawsuits that allow reparation, through environmental liability, finding support in the protection of the ecologically balanced environment as defined in the Constitution of the Federative Republic of Brazil 1988, as well as the duty imposed on the government and society to appreciate its balance. The objective of the work will be to analyze environmental civil liability for climate change, mainly for the achievement of environmental and climate change targets measured at climate change conferences, using civil reparation as a key to use these resources, coming from polluting companies that are losing lawsuits, to combat and prevent environmental damage.
responsabilidade , civil , danos , meio ambiente , liability , civil , damage , environment