Fraude contra credores: estudo sobre as correntes doutrinárias acerca dos efeitos da ação pauliana
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Mendes, Camila Berger
Carvalho, André Norberto Carbone de
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Membros da banca
O presente artigo procura analisar as correntes doutrinárias divergentes quanto aos
efeitos da decisão da ação pauliana. Como objetivos traçados, propõe discorrer sobre as causas
de invalidade do negócio jurídico, em especial a teoria da ineficácia relativa dos negócios
praticados em fraude contra credores – que se contrapõe à tese clássica da anulabilidade,
demonstrando, assim, as principais polêmicas envolvendo o estudo da Fraude Contra Credores,
no tocante aos seus efeitos e sua natureza jurídica. Com isso, entender se o Código Civil é, de
fato, o mais preciso e eficaz no combate às práticas fraudulentas, assim como, se a
jurisprudência vem julgando corretamente a questão.
The present article analyses the differences in jurisprudence tradition towards the effects in revocation suits. As set objectives, it address the causes of invalidity of legal business, especially about the theory of relative ineffectiveness to business rules against fraud on creditors – which opposes the classical thesis of nullity, showing, in that sense, the major issues involving the study of Fraud on Creditors, regarding its effects and your legal character. Also, it tries to understand if the Civil Code is, in fact, the most precise and effective in the combat of fraudulent practices, as well as if the jurisprudence is judging the subject correctly.
The present article analyses the differences in jurisprudence tradition towards the effects in revocation suits. As set objectives, it address the causes of invalidity of legal business, especially about the theory of relative ineffectiveness to business rules against fraud on creditors – which opposes the classical thesis of nullity, showing, in that sense, the major issues involving the study of Fraud on Creditors, regarding its effects and your legal character. Also, it tries to understand if the Civil Code is, in fact, the most precise and effective in the combat of fraudulent practices, as well as if the jurisprudence is judging the subject correctly.
fraude contra credores , teoria da ineficácia relativa , natureza jurídica da sentença declaratória , fraud against creditors , theory of related ineffectiveness , sentence juridical nature declaratory