Corrupção e o desvirtuamento do procedimento licitatório
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Giaveno, Bruno
Souza, Eduardo Stevanato Pereira de
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Este artigo tem como escopo o estudo da relação entre a Corrupção e o fenômeno de desvirtuamento do procedimento licitatório no âmbito dos contratos celebrados pela Administração Pública. Inicialmente, pretende-se trazer o conceito e os principais aspectos a respeito da licitação, desde os princípios que a norteia até as fases pelas quais o procedimento se desenvolve. No que diz respeito a corrupção, por sua vez, além do seu conceito, serão abordados os principais mecanismos criados para o seu combate, tanto no plano nacional como internacional. Por fim, será analisada de que forma a corrupção é capaz de corromper o procedimento licitatório, desvirtuando seus princípios norteadores e finalidades, apresentando jurisprudências e exemplos de como esses vícios se configuram nos casos concretos.
The scope of this article is to study the relationship between Corruption and the phenomenon of distortion of the bidding procedure in the context of contracts concluded by the Public Administration. Initially, the concept and the main aspects of bidding will be presented, from the principles that guide it to the phases through which the procedure is developed. About the corruption, in addition to the concept, the main mechanisms created to combat it will be presented, both nationally and internationally. Finally, by presenting case law and examples of how these illicitudes are configured in concrete cases, it will be analyzed how corruption is capable of corrupting the bidding procedure, distorting its guiding principles and purposes.
The scope of this article is to study the relationship between Corruption and the phenomenon of distortion of the bidding procedure in the context of contracts concluded by the Public Administration. Initially, the concept and the main aspects of bidding will be presented, from the principles that guide it to the phases through which the procedure is developed. About the corruption, in addition to the concept, the main mechanisms created to combat it will be presented, both nationally and internationally. Finally, by presenting case law and examples of how these illicitudes are configured in concrete cases, it will be analyzed how corruption is capable of corrupting the bidding procedure, distorting its guiding principles and purposes.
licitação , corrupção , administração pública , ilicitude bidding , corruption , public administration