A irrecorribilidade das decisões proferidas na produção antecipada de prova
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Ramos, Luís Guilherme Sisconeto Moura
Theophilo Neto, Nuncio
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O presente estudo, valendo-se de fontes bibliográficas, bem como de consultas jurisprudenciais, tem como objetivo principal trabalhar o tema da irrecorribilidade das decisões proferidas na Ação de Produção Antecipada de Prova, mas também seu caráter de ação autônoma concedido pelo Código de Processo Civil de 2015. No estudo será a analisado o art. 382, §4º, do Código de Processo Civil, e todos os efeitos no processo que visa antecipar a prova. No mais, tratar os limites que a jurisprudência dos tribunais superiores impôs ao uso do Mandado de Segurança como recurso cabível das decisões que violarem direitos fundamentais na Produção Antecipada de Prova, bem como evitar qualquer violação de princípios processuais constitucionais.
The present study, using bibliographic sources, as well as jurisprudential consultations, has as main objective to work on the theme of the irrecorrectability of decisions given in the Action of Early Production of Evidence, but also its character of autonomous action granted by the Code of Civil Procedure of 2015. In the study will be analyzed art. 382, §4, Code of Civil Procedure, and all effects in the process that aims to anticipate the test. Moreover, to treat the limits that the jurisprudence of the higher courts imposed on the use of the Warrant as a reasonable recourse to decisions that violate fundamental rights in the Early Production of Evidence, as well as to avoid any violation of constitutional procedural principles.
The present study, using bibliographic sources, as well as jurisprudential consultations, has as main objective to work on the theme of the irrecorrectability of decisions given in the Action of Early Production of Evidence, but also its character of autonomous action granted by the Code of Civil Procedure of 2015. In the study will be analyzed art. 382, §4, Code of Civil Procedure, and all effects in the process that aims to anticipate the test. Moreover, to treat the limits that the jurisprudence of the higher courts imposed on the use of the Warrant as a reasonable recourse to decisions that violate fundamental rights in the Early Production of Evidence, as well as to avoid any violation of constitutional procedural principles.
produção antecipada de prova , irrecorribilidade das decisões , limites do mandado de segurança , direitos fundamentais , early production of proof , irrecorrectability of decisions , security warrant limits , fundamental rights