A evolução da entidade familiar no direito brasileiro
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Alvarenga, Leonardo Martins
Bruno, Reinaldo Moreira
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O presente trabalho visa examinar a evolução do conceito de família. A família, sem,
outrora vista sob a ótica inteiramente patrimonial, econômica e com fins de reprodução, e que
hoje passou a ser analisada a partir do vínculo afetivo que a embala. Com a promulgação da
Constituição Federal de 1988, ao ser consagrado como macro princípio a dignidade da pessoa
humana, abriu-se alas para uma ampliação do conceito de família, antes restrito àquele núcleo
originado do casamento. Os princípios constitucionais, principalmente criaram uma nova
diretriz para o direito de família, sendo impossível restringir seu surgimento apenas como
decorrência matrimônio. Desta forma, será analisado o deslocamento do eixo que regia a
família, antes fixado sobre o casamento e agora fixado na afetividade. A presente pesquisa
reafirmará que a família não mais se baseia em uma visão patrimonialista, com fins econômicos
e de reprodução.
The present work aims to examine the evolution of the concept of family. The family, without, once seen from an entirely patrimonial, economic point of view and with the purpose of reproduction, and which today has come to be analyzed from the affective bond that packs it. With the enactment of the Federal Constitution of 1988, when the dignity of the human person was consecrated as a macro principle, ways were opened for an expansion of the concept of family, previously restricted to that nucleus originated from marriage. The constitutional principles, mainly created a new guideline for family law, being impossible to restrict its emergence only as a result of marriage. In this way, the displacement of the axis that governed the family, previously fixed on marriage and now fixed on affectivity, will be analyzed. The present research will reaffirm that the family is no longer based on a patrimonial vision, with economic and reproduction purposes.
The present work aims to examine the evolution of the concept of family. The family, without, once seen from an entirely patrimonial, economic point of view and with the purpose of reproduction, and which today has come to be analyzed from the affective bond that packs it. With the enactment of the Federal Constitution of 1988, when the dignity of the human person was consecrated as a macro principle, ways were opened for an expansion of the concept of family, previously restricted to that nucleus originated from marriage. The constitutional principles, mainly created a new guideline for family law, being impossible to restrict its emergence only as a result of marriage. In this way, the displacement of the axis that governed the family, previously fixed on marriage and now fixed on affectivity, will be analyzed. The present research will reaffirm that the family is no longer based on a patrimonial vision, with economic and reproduction purposes.
direito de família , entidade familiar , evolução da entidade familiar , Constituição Federal de 1988 , family law , family entity , evolution of the family entity , Brazilian Federal Constitution of 1988