Fidelidade partidária no Brasil
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Rossi, João Gabriel
Casseb, Paulo Adib
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O presente artigo tem por finalidade analisar o tema da Fidelidade Partidária no Brasil passando pelos conceitos de partido político e seus princípios regentes, sua relevância à democracia brasileira, os documentos norteadores de suma importância para a existência dessas instituições, inclusive reguladores do princípio em tela, até a análise de programa partidário do Movimento Democrático Brasileiro.
Ademais, há a preocupação de analisar os ditames constitucionais, legislação partidária, resoluções do Superior Tribunal Eleitoral relacionadas à fidelidade partidária no Brasil e jurisprudência do Supremo Tribunal Federal acerca do tema.
Por fim, busca-se apontar riscos da fidelidade partidária e, ao mesmo tempo, a importância de sua existência para uma democracia que reflete a soberania popular.
This article aims to analyse the theme of partisan fidelity in Brazil going through the concept of political party and its guideline principles, its relevancy to the brazilian democracy,the documents off utter importance to the existence of said parties and the principle in question, even the analysis of the Movimento Democrático Brasileiro’s partisan program. Furthermore, it reviews the constitutional and party law, normative rullings of the Superior Electoral Court aligned with the brazilian partisan fidelity and the Federal Court of Justice’s precedents. Lastly, it aims to poit out risks of the partisan fidelity and at the same time to recognize the importance of its existence to democracy based on popular sovereignty.
This article aims to analyse the theme of partisan fidelity in Brazil going through the concept of political party and its guideline principles, its relevancy to the brazilian democracy,the documents off utter importance to the existence of said parties and the principle in question, even the analysis of the Movimento Democrático Brasileiro’s partisan program. Furthermore, it reviews the constitutional and party law, normative rullings of the Superior Electoral Court aligned with the brazilian partisan fidelity and the Federal Court of Justice’s precedents. Lastly, it aims to poit out risks of the partisan fidelity and at the same time to recognize the importance of its existence to democracy based on popular sovereignty.
direito eleitoral , partidos políticos , fidelidade partidária , electoral law , political parties , partisan fidelity