Alienação parental: aspectos jurídicos e sociais
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Fazan, Felippe
Theophilo Junior, Roque
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O presente artigo tem como objetivo o estudo dos aspectos jurídicos e sociais da alienação parental. Previamente será introduzido a evolução da família ao longo do tempo, demonstrando suas novas modalidades de formação, bem como a exposição dos princípios que norteiam essas relações, após, serão tratados os motivos que podem ensejar a cisão de uma relação conjugal, como complemento, serão expostas as modalidades de divórcio e união estável e as modalidades de guarda. A partir disso, a pesquisa destacará o conceito da alienação parental, bem como exemplificará os atos que são praticados para a sua caracterização. Por fim, serão demonstrados os aspectos processuais acerca da Lei 12.318/2010, a fim de apontar os pontos focais do procedimento judicial de alienação parental.
This article aims to study the legal and social aspects of parental alienation. Primarily, the evolution of the family throughout time will be introduced, by demonstrating new formation modalities, as well as presenting the main principles regarding its relation, upon, the motives that could lead the split in a marital relation will be treated, in addition to the exhibition of divorce and custody’s modalities. Thereof, the paper will highlight the definition of parental alienation as well as exemplify the acts that are committed to its characterization. Lastly, the procedural aspects will be demonstrated about the 12.318/2010 law, in order to aim at the main points of the judicial proceeding for parental alienation.
This article aims to study the legal and social aspects of parental alienation. Primarily, the evolution of the family throughout time will be introduced, by demonstrating new formation modalities, as well as presenting the main principles regarding its relation, upon, the motives that could lead the split in a marital relation will be treated, in addition to the exhibition of divorce and custody’s modalities. Thereof, the paper will highlight the definition of parental alienation as well as exemplify the acts that are committed to its characterization. Lastly, the procedural aspects will be demonstrated about the 12.318/2010 law, in order to aim at the main points of the judicial proceeding for parental alienation.
alienação parental , síndrome da alienação parental , implantação de falsas memórias , falsa denúncia de abuso sexual , parental alienation , parental alienation syndrome , implantation of false memories , false reporting of sexual abuse