A denúncia espontânea e os casos de compensação tributária
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Paiva, Guilherme Aisemann Goulart
Sabbag, Eduardo de Moraes
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O instituto da denúncia espontânea presente no art. 138, do Código Tributário Nacional, prevê a exclusão da responsabilidade pela infração caso o responsável, antes de qualquer medida fiscalizatória, pague ou deposite o valor devido juntamente dos juros de mora. Ocorre que o termo “pagamento” presente no artigo deveria ser entendido como “extinção do crédito” e não como sendo o cumprimento em pecúnia da obrigação devida. Para tanto, este estudo se propôs a demonstrar que a compensação tributária deveria ser equiparada ao pagamento para fins de utilização do benefício da denúncia espontânea e que os tribunais apenas vêm impedindo a concretude desta tese por conta de uma interpretação equivocada dos elementos presentes no art. 138, sem contar o fato de que a própria jurisprudência, quando depara com esses elementos de forma apartada, pende para convalidação da tese.
The voluntary disclosure present in article 138 of the National Tax Code, guarantee the exclusion of the tax offense penalty in case the accountable, before any tax audit, comply with the tax obligation through payment or deposit added to interest for late payment. However, the term “payment” within the article should be interpreted as “extinguishment of the tax credit” rather than the performance of the obligation by delivering money. Therefore, this study aimed to show that the tax offsetting must be treated equally as payment in order to be compatible to the voluntary disclosure, and that the Courts are only refraining from applying this thesis due to a misinterpretation of the elements in article 138, and that even the same courts when judging these elements separately tend to agree with what is being argued in this paper.
The voluntary disclosure present in article 138 of the National Tax Code, guarantee the exclusion of the tax offense penalty in case the accountable, before any tax audit, comply with the tax obligation through payment or deposit added to interest for late payment. However, the term “payment” within the article should be interpreted as “extinguishment of the tax credit” rather than the performance of the obligation by delivering money. Therefore, this study aimed to show that the tax offsetting must be treated equally as payment in order to be compatible to the voluntary disclosure, and that the Courts are only refraining from applying this thesis due to a misinterpretation of the elements in article 138, and that even the same courts when judging these elements separately tend to agree with what is being argued in this paper.
interpretação extensiva , denúncia espontânea , extinção do crédito tributário , compensação tributária , broad interpretation , voluntary disclosure , extinguishment of the tax credit , tax offsetting