Legalização da Cannabis para fins medicinais no Brasil: uma análise econômica, social e jurídica
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Silva, Gabriel di Lorenzo Temporini
Maluf, Fernando Del Picchia
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O presente artigo possui como foco principal analisar as possíveis consequências da descriminalização do cultivo da cannabis para fins exclusivamente medicinais, industriais e no campo do estudo sobre o assunto. Nesse sentido, tendo em vista o alto custo da importação, em contrapartida os benefícios efetivos advindos dos derivados da planta no tratamento de diversas doenças, inicialmente observa a evolução da discussão no âmbito judiciário desde as primeiras concessões de importação dos produtos derivados da planta até a consolidação do entendimento jurisprudencial autorizador para o cultivo e subsequente utilização específica de forma individualizada. Posteriormente, analisa a evolução do assunto na esfera legislativa com destaque ao Projeto de Lei nº 399/2015, que regulamenta o plantio da cannabis, aprovada em comissão especial, ainda em trâmite de forma subsequente. Por fim, expõe os potenciais benefícios advindos da regulamentação sob a perspectiva econômica e social, analisando de forma comparativa a aplicação em outros países.
The main focus of this article is to analyze the possible consequences of the decriminalization of cannabis cultivation for exclusively medicinal, industrial purposes and in the field of study on the subject. In this sense, in view of the high cost of importation, in contrast to the effective benefits arising from plant derivatives in the treatment of various diseases, initially observes the evolution of the discussion in the judicial sphere since the first import concessions of products derived from the plant until the consolidation of the authoritative jurisprudential understanding for the cultivation and subsequent specific use in an individualized way. Subsequently, it analyzes the evolution of the subject in the legislative sphere, with emphasis on the Bill No. Finally, it exposes the potential benefits arising from regulation from an economic and social perspective.
The main focus of this article is to analyze the possible consequences of the decriminalization of cannabis cultivation for exclusively medicinal, industrial purposes and in the field of study on the subject. In this sense, in view of the high cost of importation, in contrast to the effective benefits arising from plant derivatives in the treatment of various diseases, initially observes the evolution of the discussion in the judicial sphere since the first import concessions of products derived from the plant until the consolidation of the authoritative jurisprudential understanding for the cultivation and subsequent specific use in an individualized way. Subsequently, it analyzes the evolution of the subject in the legislative sphere, with emphasis on the Bill No. Finally, it exposes the potential benefits arising from regulation from an economic and social perspective.
cannabis medicinal , judiciário , legislativo , descriminalização , medical cannabis , judiciary , legislative , decriminalization