A jurisprudência defensiva nos tribunais superiores: ativismo judicial e o processo civil do terror
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Barbosa Filho, Fernando Franco
Caraciola, Andrea Boari
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O presente trabalho acadêmico possui como precípuo objetivo investigar afundo a
jurisprudência defensiva e o formalismo exacerbado, principalmente à luz da concepção
instrumentalista adotada pelo atual Código de Processo Civil. Examina-se alguns dos entraves
ilegítimos aplicados pelos Tribunais Superiores tanto na vigência do revogado como do atual
diploma processual civil. Com fundamento no entendimento doutrinário pátrio sobre o assunto,
foram feitos questionamentos acerca da legalidade do rigor formal, em sacrifício do exame do
mérito recursal. Discorre-se, ademais, sobre as inovações trazidas pelo Código de Processo
Civil para o combate à jurisprudência defensiva, evidenciando a contribuição do legislador para
que diversas hipóteses de não conhecimento de recursos fossem extintas. Por outro lado, foi
demonstrado que a jurisprudência defensiva sobrevive e continua assombrando os causídicos
no cotidiano forense. A principal conclusão extraída deste estudo é a de que a capacidade de
adaptação da jurisprudência defensiva a fez sobreviver mesmo após a promulgação do atual
Código de Processo Civil. Desse modo, embora o atual diploma processual civil seja um
importante marco para o combate ao formalismo exagerado, este não foi suficiente para
extinguir as ilegais hipóteses de restrição de conhecimento dos recursos. E, neste ponto,
verificou-se que a melhor maneira de enfrentar a jurisprudência defensiva é desafogar o Poder
Judiciário da avalanche de processos. Tal providência não será alcançada mediante mera
reforma processual, conforme foi possível perceber a partir do exame do atual Código de
Processo Civil, sendo necessária a utilização de meios alternativos para enfraquecer a
litigiosidade em massa.
The main objective of this academic work is investigated in depth the defensive jurisprudence and the exacerbated formalism, especially considering the instrumentalist conception adopted by the Civil Procedure Code of 2015. It examines some of the illegitimate impediments applied by the Superior Courts both in the force of the repealed and the current civil procedure diploma. Based on the understanding of Brazilian doctrine on the subject, questions were asked about the legality of formal rigor, sacrificing the examination of the appeal merit. Moreover, the innovations brought by the Code of Civil Procedure to combat defensive jurisprudence are discussed, highlighting the legislator's contribution to eliminate several hypotheses of dismissal of appeals. On the other hand, it was demonstrated that defensive jurisprudence survives and continues to haunt lawyers in their daily forensic practice. The main conclusion drawn from this study is that the adaptability of defensive jurisprudence has made it survive even after the enactment of the 2015 Civil Procedure Code. Thus, although the current civil procedural law is an important milestone in the fight against exaggerated formalism, it was not enough to extinguish the illegal hypotheses of restriction of knowledge of appeals. And, at this point, it was verified that the best way to face the defensive jurisprudence is to relieve the Judiciary from the avalanche of lawsuits. Such a measure will not be achieved by means of a mere procedural reform, as it was possible to see from the examination of the current Code of Civil Procedure, requiring the use of alternative means to weaken mass litigation.
The main objective of this academic work is investigated in depth the defensive jurisprudence and the exacerbated formalism, especially considering the instrumentalist conception adopted by the Civil Procedure Code of 2015. It examines some of the illegitimate impediments applied by the Superior Courts both in the force of the repealed and the current civil procedure diploma. Based on the understanding of Brazilian doctrine on the subject, questions were asked about the legality of formal rigor, sacrificing the examination of the appeal merit. Moreover, the innovations brought by the Code of Civil Procedure to combat defensive jurisprudence are discussed, highlighting the legislator's contribution to eliminate several hypotheses of dismissal of appeals. On the other hand, it was demonstrated that defensive jurisprudence survives and continues to haunt lawyers in their daily forensic practice. The main conclusion drawn from this study is that the adaptability of defensive jurisprudence has made it survive even after the enactment of the 2015 Civil Procedure Code. Thus, although the current civil procedural law is an important milestone in the fight against exaggerated formalism, it was not enough to extinguish the illegal hypotheses of restriction of knowledge of appeals. And, at this point, it was verified that the best way to face the defensive jurisprudence is to relieve the Judiciary from the avalanche of lawsuits. Such a measure will not be achieved by means of a mere procedural reform, as it was possible to see from the examination of the current Code of Civil Procedure, requiring the use of alternative means to weaken mass litigation.
jurisprudência defensiva , formalismo exagerado , juízo de admissibilidade , primazia do mérito , defensive jurisprudence , excessive formalism , judgment of admissibility , primacy of merit